Friction between America’s military and
its civilian overseers is nothing new. America’s 220-year experiment in civilian
control of the military is a recipe for friction. The nation’s history has seen
a series of shifts in decision-making power among the White House, the civilian
secretaries and the uniformed elite (精英). However, what may seem on the outside
an unstable and special system of power sharing has, without a doubt, been a key
to two centuries of military success. In the infighting dates to the revolution, George Washington waged a continual struggle not just for money, but to control the actual battle plan. The framers of the Constitution sought to clarify things by making the president the "commander in chief." Not since Washington wore his uniform and led the troops across the Alleghenies to quell(镇压)the Whiskey A. Because Lincoln was inexperienced in military affairs, he had to do so. B. Grant whole-heartedly believed in Lincoln, and their cooperation proved to be a nonesuch. C. All things considered, Grant was somewhat better than McClellan. D. The decision to put Grant in charge of the Union Army was not against the constitution. [单选题]《道岔综合维修验收评分标准》规定:联结零件中( )离缝大于2mm,每块扣8分。
A.接头 B.顶铁 C.连杆 D.护轨螺栓 [判断题]发生火灾必须同时具备可燃物、氧化剂和引火源三个要素。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]从渣的用途来看,可用作绝热材料的是干渣。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]道路交通流信息主要包括哪些?
[单选题]点火式发动机判断低压电路故障时,测量电流表进线端与车体间电阻值,其值不为零,不可能是电流表( )。
A.断路 B.短路 C.失效 D.以上均对 [单选题]1.95 车辆下长坡过程中,当制动鼓温度过高时,应怎样做?
A.要尽快进入水中冷却 B.不要立即进入水中冷却 C.要立即浇水冷却 D.不用理会 [单选题]线路允许速度160km/h≥Vmax>120km/h,轨端或轨顶面剥落掉块,长度超过( )mm且深度超过3mm时为重伤钢轨。
A.10 B.15 C.25 D.30 [判断题]《变电运维管理规定第7分册电压互感器运维细则》:为防止串联谐振过电压烧损电压互感器,倒闸操作时,可以使用带断口电容器的断路器投切带电磁式电压互感器的空母线
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列可用作作业调度算法的是( )。
Ⅰ、先来先服务 Ⅱ、短作业优先 Ⅲ、最高响应比 Ⅳ、资源搭配 Ⅴ、多队列循环 A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ B. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ C. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ D. 都是 [单项选择]变动关系理论中的乘数原理是把( )看作自变量。
A. 投资变动 B. 国民收入的变动 C. 经济总量增长 D. 收入增量 [判断题]时间线窗口中,将选中的剪辑向右移动5帧的快捷键为Alt+<。
A. 12 B. 24 C. 48 D. 72 [单选题]室内GIS就位前,作业人员应将作业现场所有孔洞盖严,避免人员摔伤。需建临时载物平台的应进行负载计算,搭设完毕后,经()验收合格后方可使用。
A.监理 B.安全员 C.质检员 D.项目经理 [简答题]挂失申请时的逐级授权制度是什么?
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