本病的主要发病机制是( )I went to a Catholic boys school in Blackpool in the
North of England. In my first year in the senior school I was a nerdy kid, with
spectacles and short trousers. For one hour a week the class had elocution
lessons from an old, portly teacher called Mr. Priestley. He had a hard task
wrestling with our flat northern vowels and trying to get us to speak the
Queen’s English. One day he came up to me and said, "Sloane, I want to
put you in for a speaking festival." "Why me " I grumbled. A. he had to practice the poem in front of the class B. he had to put feeling and emotion into the poem C. his mistakes were pointed out by Mr. Priestley D. his practice was appreciated by Mr. Priestley [多选题]坚持“基于岗位胜任能力的培训与评价,致力于提升员工的岗位胜任能力”的工作理念,分层分类分专业开展员工岗位知识、技能和潜能的培训,鼓励和支持员工通过( )等多种方式,努力提高岗位胜任能力。
A.集中培训 B.网络培训 C.在岗培训 D.自主选学 [单选题]201.GBF008 离心泵平衡机构失效会使( )过大,影响轴承的使用寿命。
A.径向力 B.径向推力 C.轴向推力 D.轴向拉力 [单选题]土石方工程平整度检查为每多少平取一点,且不少于多少点( )
A.100,5 B.100,10 C.200,5 D.200,10 [单项选择]It is due to the invention of the computer that man has been able to work so many wonders in the past few years. A case ______is the successful launching of space shuttle.
A. in point B. in question C. in a way D. in brief [单项选择]现代的高科技为电网的安全稳定运行提供了三大支柱,以下不属于三大支柱的系统是()。
A. 安全控制系统 B. 变压器系统 C. 调度自动化系统 D. 电力专用通信系统 [单项选择]参考点也叫零点位点它是由()的。
A. 人为规定 B. 参考方向决定的 C. 电位的实际方向决定的 D. 大地性质决定的 [单选题]8月女婴,近1周易激惹,烦躁不安,呕吐2次,大便稀,2次/日,查体:嗜睡,前囟膨,有张力,颈强(±),心肺正常,布氏征(+),巴氏征(±)。为明确诊断,应作哪项检查
A.脑CT B.脑电图 C.脑脊液检查 D.OT试验 E.X线胸片 [单选题]经互感器接入电能表的装拆、现场校验工作,应有防止电流互感器二次侧开路、电压互感器二次侧短路和防止相间短路、相对地短路、()灼伤的措施。
A.电流 B.电压 C.电弧 D.感应电 我来回答: 提交