It doesn’t matter when or how long a
person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That’s what all
doctors’ thought, until they heard about Jercy Page. Jercy Page, it was said,
never slept. Could this be true The doctors decided to see this strange man by
themselves. Jercy Page was ninety years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised. Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw Jercy Page sleeping. Actually, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one. The only rest that Jercy Page got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They asked him m A. large numbers of people do not need sleep B. a person was found who actually didn’t need any sleep C. everyone needs some sleep to stay alive D. people can live longer by trying not to sleep [单项选择]发病的重要条件是()。
A. 正气不足 B. 邪盛而正未衰 C. 邪气 D. 正气与邪气的斗争 E. 正衰邪盛 [单项选择]前庭裂是()
A. 两侧室襞间裂隙 B. 室襞以上部分 C. 两侧声襞间裂隙 D. 声襞以上、室襞以下间隙 E. 声襞以下的部分 [多项选择]高强度气体放电灯泡就是()。
A. 白炽灯泡 B. 卤钨灯泡 C. 氙气大灯 D. HID灯泡 [单项选择]膨胀生产线的控制系统分为4个()。
A. 部分 B. 系统 C. 操作等级 D. 电控部分 [单选题]正常情况下,司控器制动指令采用网络和()备份,当网络故障时自动进行切换。
A.硬线 B.MVB总线 C.WTB总线 D.CAN总线 [单项选择]
The Californian coastline north and south of Silicon Valley is a trend-setting sort of place. Increasingly, the home interiors of the well-heeled there tend toward one of two (1) . Houses are (2) light flooded, sparse and vaguely Asian in (3) , with perhaps a Zen fountain in one corner, a Yoga area in another. Or they resemble electronic control rooms with all sorts of (4) , computers, routers, antennae, screens and remote controls. Occasionally, both elements are (5) . "She" may have the living room and’public areas, (6) "he" is banished with his toys up or down the stairs. [多选题]为了减轻发电机铜线棒的腐蚀,在电导率合格(<2?S/cm)的前提下应尽量提高发电机内冷却水的pH值。以下解释正确的是( )。[1.0分]
A. 电导率越低,水的纯度越高,发电机铜线棒的腐蚀就越轻 B. 虽然电导率合格,但发电机内冷却水的pH值提不高就会加快电机铜线棒的腐蚀 C. 发电机内冷却水的电导率控制的较低,对减轻发电机铜线棒的腐蚀不利 D. 受电导率指标的制约,发电机内冷却水的pH值落在发电机铜线棒的最佳耐腐蚀区域 E. 受电导率指标的制约,发电机内冷却水的pH值往往达不到发电机铜线棒的最佳耐腐蚀区域 [单选题]稽留流产
A.易引起DIC B.易引起失血性休克 C.易引起颈管粘连 D.易引起迷走神经综合征 E.最易致肠管损伤 [简答题]什么是法洛四联症?
A.依法没收的非法财物应当全部予以销毁 B.罚款必须全部上缴国库 C.行政机关不得截留没收的违法所 得 D.财政部门不得向作出行政处罚决定的行政机关返还罚款 我来回答: 提交