Passage Three
Ronald Musoke is a college student from Uganda. He attends the College of Marin in California. Recently he got very excited about things he found in wastebaskets. What did he find He found outdated textbooks that had been thrown away. Some of the books had sold new for one hundred dollars. The old textbooks had been either discontinued-or re- placed by newer editions.
Uganda is a very poor country in Africa. When Musoke went to school in Uganda, there were never enough books. Sometimes five books were shared with one hundred fifty students. Musoke lived through the Ugandan civil war and the loss of twelve family members from AIDS.
Why is Musoke excited about the discarded textbooks He wants to send them to Uganda so women have the chance to get an education. The books will be used to pay for the women’s education. Musoke’s hopes that education will help lower the number of deaths from AIDS. Also, the books will help lower i
A. Uganda College
B. College of Marin
C. Mills College
D. Mudd College
In the 1970s many of us thought working
outside the home would be liberating for women, freeing them from financial
dependence on men and allowing them roles beyond those of wife and
mother. It hasn’t worked out that way. Women’s labor has been bought on the cheap, their working hours have become longer and their family commitments have barely diminished. The reality for most working women is a near impossible feat of working ever harder. There have been new opportunities for some women: professions once closed to them, such as law, have opened up. Women managers are commonplace, though the top boardrooms remain male preserves. Professional and managerial women have done well out of neoliberalism. Their salaries allow them to hire domestic help. But more women, such as the supermarket or call centre workers; the cook A. has resulted in a closer family tie B. has helped their family financially C. has caused more problems than before D. has adversely affected their family life [填空题][T]制定《中国石油化工股份有限公司销售企业计量管理办法》是为了加强中国石化股份有限公司销售企业的计量监督与管理,推动( ),降低( ),提高( ),促进( )现代化。
A. 加强企业文化建设业绩考核 B. 加强企业文化建设动态评估 C. 加强企业文化建设和管理评选表彰 D. 加强企业文化基础设施建设 [判断题]公民、法人或者其他组织对行政机关的具体行政行为不服申请行政复议的,作出具体行政行为的行政机关是被申请人。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]车货总高度从地面算起未超过()米、总宽度未超过()米、总长度未超过28米且总质量未超过100000千克的属于II类大件运输车。
A. 4.5 B. 4.2 C. 3.75 D. 4 我来回答: 提交