{{B}}Migrant workers{{/B}} In the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another.{{U}} (51) {{/U}}some newly independent countries have understandably restricted most jobs to local people, others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in the Middle East,{{U}} (52) {{/U}}increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to{{U}} (53) {{/U}}outsiders to improve local facilities.{{U}} (54) {{/U}}the Middle East has attracted oil-workers from the U. s. A. and Europe. It has brought in construction workers and technicians from many countries,{{U}} (55) {{/U}} South Korea and Japan. In view of the difficult living and working conditions A. surprised B. surprisingly C. surprise D. surprising [判断题]的分组编号由工作负责人自行编号,编号由2位阿拉伯数字组成,按照“1”、“2”…依次编号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在氧气浓度、有害气体、可燃性气体、粉尘的浓度可能发生变化的环境中进行检测时,检测的时间不宜早于作业开始前20min。( )
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [填空题]各单位工作非常多,也非常忙碌,但全员学习考试的准备工作不能放松,这是对胜星公司每个人的精神和_的挑战。
[单项选择]According to the interview, what happened since Mary Ann were 100According to the interview, what happened since Mary Ann were 100
A. She had a blimp ride. B. She had a horse ride. C. She touched the Hollywood sign. D. She stayed at home. [简答题]3.字数不少于500字。
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 [多项选择]下列选项中,属于电机整体安装步骤的是()。
A. 进行基础检查 B. 在基础上放上楔形垫铁和平垫铁,安放位置应沿地脚螺栓的边沿和集中负载的地方,应尽可能放在电机底板支撑筋的下面 C. 将电机吊到垫铁上,并调节楔形垫铁使电机达到所需的位置、标高及水平度,电机水平面的找正可用水平仪 D. 调整电机与连接机器的轴线,此两轴的中心线必须严格在一条直线上 E. 用手锤敲击底板,了解底板下垫铁位置,以及底板和基础是否紧密,然后将地脚螺栓旋紧 [简答题]接收电路的性能对探伤仪哪些技术指标有影响?
[单选题]根据《药品经营质量管理规范》,下列不符合药品零售企业经营质量管理规定的是( )
A. 企业应当具有与其经营范围和规模相适应的经营条件 B. 药品零售企业的执业药师应当在岗执业,并挂牌明示 C. 除药品质量原因外,药品一经售出,不得退换 D. 验收人员应当具有药学、医学、微生物学、化学等专业学历 [多选题]客户侧工作应严格按照《营销现场作业安全工作规程》保证安全的组织措施相关要求,正确填用( )。
A.任务单 B.工作票 C.现场作业工作卡 D.事故紧急抢修单 [判断题]米粉所含的蛋白质,常温下不能生成面筋白谷蛋白和谷胶蛋白。
[判断题]中国第一个有明确政治纲领和组织机构的资产阶级革命政党就是中国同盟会。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]OWEN, A 12-year-old Boy, Can Understand Every Word His Dog Says!
Hubble, Owen’s new dog, is not like other dogs. Owen finds out his new pet is really from outer space (太空)! In the American film Good Boy, Owen’s family move around a lot. So poor Owen doesn’t have any friends. Then he is given a dog as present. But he is surprised to find that his new dog has been sent from another planet (星球) called Dog Star. Thousands of years ago, dogs came to take over (占领) the Earth, but those dogs didn’t want to do anything and turned into pets. Now, the head of Dog Star wants to take all the dogs back. To his surprise, Owen can speak to his dog. They become very good friends. Now Owen has an important job to do: he must help Hubble keep dogs on Earth so they can live happily with man. Good Boy is about the friendship between people and pets. This film will help you find a new best friend! Owen’s dog is like other dogs. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say. [判断题]货币市场是以长期金融工具为媒介进行的、期限在一年以上的长期资金融通市场。
[简答题]调动装载GW货物车辆时,无调车指导的车站必须在( )的干部的监督下进行。
[单选题]根据《建设工程施工现场安全管理资料管理规程》规定,( )应填写并留存《班组班前讲话记录》。
A.劳务队长 B.作业班组长 C.技术负责人 D.安全负责人 [单项选择]马克思主义认为,造就全面发展的人的根本途径是( ).
A. 既从事体力劳动,也从事智力劳动 B. 从事智力劳动或从事体力劳动 C. 接受工人、农民再教育 D. 实行教育与生产劳动相结合 [简答题]遇有避雷器爆炸如何处理?
A. 纤维支气管镜检查 B. 痰脱落细胞检查 C. 胸部X线检查 D. 经皮肺穿 E. 剖胸探查术 [判断题] 钢轨探伤仪将抑制扳到“小”时,则动态范围变小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在分析主电路时,应根据各电动机和执行电器的控制要求,分析其控制内容,如电动机的启动、( )等基本控制环节。
A.工作状态显示 B.正反转控制 C.电源显示 D.参数测定 [填空题]()是通过人的职务行动而表现的力量,而这种力量的表现形态和强弱是各种各样的。
[单项选择]Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the news. What is the risk for McDonald to compete against Starbucks A. The cost will increase rapidly. B. There will be no space for the rapidly increasing customers. C. The McDonald Coffee is still not so good as Starbucks. D. It would slow down service at McDonald’s restaurants. [填空题] 因红细胞破坏增加引起的黄疸称为( )。
[多选题]“四能四会”中的“四会”包括:会讲、( )等。
A.会组织 B.会做 C.会教 D.会做思想工作 [判断题]吸声材料对于高频噪声是很有用的,对于低频噪声就不太有效了。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]对吊挂在接触网上的线头、绳索等,均视为带电,并保持( )以上的安全距离,由接触网作业人员处理。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单项选择]______ , follow the directions on the bottle carefully.
A. When taken drugs B. When drugs are taken C. When one takes drugs D. When taking drugs [单选题]台虎钳不使用时,钳口不能夹紧,应留有( )mm的间隙。
A.1~2 B.0.5~1 C.3~5 D.10 [判断题]激活停放制动压力:4.8bar。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者女性,35岁,疱疹感染,医嘱抗病毒溶液静脉推注,正确的操作是
A. 选择有弹性的细血管穿插 B. 络合碘消毒注射部位1次 C. 见回血再进针少许并固定 D. 注射时推注速度宜快 E. 快速拔针无需按压 [多选题]采用三相快速自动重合闸应具备的条件包括(____)。
A.线路两侧都装设有能瞬时切除故障的继电保护装置 B.线路两侧都装有快速动作的断路器 C.冲击电流小于允许值 D.摆开角小于允许值 [单选题]配电变压器的测负荷工作,可选择在负荷的( )。
A.低峰期进行 B.平均负荷期进行 C.高峰期进行 D.任何时期进行 我来回答: 提交