Judging from tales about the rise and
fall of empires, there is always a point when things are going so well that the
emperors doubt that anything could ever go wrong. "Thrift," warned Nero’s
adviser Seneca, "comes too late when you find it at the bottom of your purse. "
In the Old World, nations grew fat and then lazy, until they collapsed under
their own weight. But that was not to be our story. American greatness—the
vision of the founders, the courage of the pioneers, the industry of the nation
builders—reflected a mighty faith in the power of sacrifice as a muscle that
made young nations strong. Banks were like gyms for the soul: the first savings
banks in Boston and New York were organized as charities, where "bumble
journeymen" could exercise good judgment, store their money and not be tempted
to wast A. thrift should be blamed for the Depression. B. children should develop a sense of ownership. C. people should be careful in spending. D. it is not wise to make investment. [单选题]一个垂直线性好的探伤仪,荧光屏上波幅为80%,衰减12dB后,波幅为( )。
A.0.201 B.0.401 C.0.1 D.0.3 [判断题]电网主接线方式大致可分为有备用和无备用两大类
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()是染色体结构变异的前奏。
A. 断裂 B. 突变 C. 染色体桥 D. 加倍 [单项选择]根据《国家赔偿法》第5条的规定,国家应承担赔偿责任的情形是( )。
A. 公安机关工作人员与职权无关的个人行为 B. 因公民自己的行为致使损害发生的 C. 违法使用警械,造成公民身体伤害或者死亡的 D. 因法人或者其他组织自己的行为导致损害后果发生的 [单选题]屏柜定位固定方法分为钻孔定位、压接定位。
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]牌号HRB400直径20mm钢筋闪光对焊接头,弯曲角度90度,弯心直径是()
A. 2D B. 4D C. 5D D. 7D [单项选择]
Passage One [简答题]简述埋弧自动焊焊接过程中的注意事项及焊接安全常识?
A. 阴囊部 B. 阴茎部 C. 会阴部 D. 膀胱前列腺周围 E. 下腹壁 [判断题]在直流电路中,纯电感相当于短路;在交流电路中,电源的频率越高,电感的感抗越大,所以电感线圈可扼制高频交流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 金属结构架体的拉线位置根据现场地形情况确定,必须满足施工设计要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]胶接绝缘失效时,应立即更换,进行永久处理时,应保证修复后无缝线路锁定轨温( )。
A.气温高时适当提高 B.气温低时适当降低 C.可以在±2℃范围内调整 D.不变 [单选题]铰链运动是从哪个位置开始的
A. 牙尖交错位 B. 后退接触位 C. 姿势位 D. 肌接触位 E. 正中关系状态下的任何位置 [单选题]放入水中不能形成溶液的物质是()
A.花生油 B.食盐 C.白糖 D.白酒 我来回答: 提交