Historically, the European Union has
not bothered with funding much basic scientific research. Such activities
have mainly remained the preserve of national governments, not least because
giving scientists free rein can lead to discoveries that not only make money but
ultimately enhance military might. That attitude is now changing. The European Commission proposes to establish a European Research Council(ERC) that would spend a maximum of 12 billion( $14 billion) over seven years on" blue skies" research. While the plans are being generally welcomed by Europe’s member states, their details are problematic. The proposed ERC is intended to make Europe more competitive. Europe has some first-class universities, scientific institutions and research organisations, But, the ERC’ s proponents argue, their activities are fragmented, so they A. improved. B. decreased. C. worsened. D. stamped. [单选题]当GS3101A切换GS3101B,GE3101A与GE3101B()同时开启
A.能 B.不能 C.无所谓 D.关一半 [判断题]被投资企业将股权溢价所形成的资本公积转为股本的,不作为投资方企业的股息、红利收入,投资方企业也不得增加该项长期投资的计税基础。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定,客票票据使用前必须( ),无误后开封使用。
A.检查封印 B.看首尾号码 C.逐号检查 D.首尾盖章 [单选题]职业技能敬育是指按照( )部制定的标准进行的技能培训.
A.司法部 B.民政部 C.人力资源和社会保障 D.当地政府 [判断题]电客车月检中,在对高压箱检查时必须确保其散热片上无异物、无变形。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]煤矿从业人员要熟知安全行走路线,熟知安全站立点位置,熟知各种安全禁止、警告、指令、指示标志。严格按照规定在运输巷道和工作面、作业区行走、站立。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中国国际消费品博览会 3 月 18 日在海口发布吉祥物——长臂猿“( )”,并启动了 50 天倒计时
A.元宵 B.汤圆 C.海宝 D.米豆 [判断题]入户光缆施工过程中,平面波导型光分路由器1:32和1:64的插入损耗典型值,1:32小于等于10.6dB,164小于等于20.3dB.(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设置不少于( )处安全固定支点,且固定支点应受力于不同物体。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]根据《国际民用航空公约》的规定,以下哪一项不属于国家航空器()
A. 火箭 B. 海关的航空器 C. 军用的航空器 D. 警察部门的航空器 [填空题]上级烟草专卖局授权或者委托下级烟草专卖局签发烟草专卖品准运证,应当符合( )、( )原则。
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