{{B}}Go ahead. Read this leaflet. You don’t have to
watch the road the way you do when you drive the car. CONGRATULATIONS !{{/B}} By riding public transportation, you are he]ping to solve some of the major pollution problems in Boston. {{B}}1. AIR POLLUTION.{{/B}} Motor vehicles are to blame for over 80% of the air pollution in the city. Eighty-nine percent of" the vehicles in Boston are personal cars and 50 percent of them are often operated with only one person in the car. If people would use public transportation instead of their cars, air pollution levels could be greatly lowered. {{B}}2. SPACE POLLUTION.{{/B}} Thirty percent of the land in downtown Boston is devoted to cars. Where there are garages, there could be gardens. Where there are highways, there should A. give information to people who are planning to boy cars B. persuade people to use public transportation instead of their own cars C. give suggestions to people suffering from pollution-related diseases D. discuss the major causes of pollution problems in Boston [多项选择]工商银行银企互联按照接口版本不同分为:()。
A. 普通版 B. 专业版 C. 推广版 D. 中小企业版 [单选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司基建项目管理办法》规定,基建项目有关组织机构、岗位及人员配置管理工作由本单位( )负责。
A.物资部门 B.人力资源部门 C.安监部门 D.计划部门 [单项选择]百合固金汤的主治证候中常见()
A. 咯痰带血 B. 于咳无痰 C. 咯痰黄稠 D. 咯痰不爽 E. 咳喘不利 [判断题]驾驶员如发现设备、机构有异常现象或故障,应在工作结束后设法排除。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]横过线路时应“一看、二站、三通过”。注意左右机车车辆的行动及脚下有无障碍物。
A.对 B.错。 [单项选择]埋弧焊时,接通转换开关电动机不转动的原因与()
A. 转动开关损坏 B. 电源未接通 C. 熔断器烧断 D. 电压不足 [单选题]机场员工孙某带着女儿(出国前往泰国)一同在出境边检验证通道排队,边检执勤人员提示其走员工通道,孙某不仅不听劝告,还出言不逊、恶语指责边检执勤人员,孙某的行为( )。
A.没有违反边检口岸限定区域管理规定 B.边检机关可以暂扣员工证件 C.边检机关可以给予拘留处罚 D.边检机关只能给予警告处罚 [填空题]四维模拟施工是一个( )、( )、( )的过程,并非一个结果的 呈现。
[单选题] 摩尔分率的单位是( )。
A.mol%mol B.ppm C.g%g D.m3%m3 [多项选择]凡是()尺寸齐全的线段称为已知线段。
A. 定型 B. 几何 C. 定位 D. 图纸 [单项选择]秦朝时行郡县制,县下有乡,乡设三老掌教化,啬夫掌赋税诉讼,游徼掌治安。此外,秦统一后,秦始皇在咸阳附近仿照关东诸国宫殿式样营建了许多宫殿,其中最为富丽宏伟的是( )。
A. 骊山陵 B. 兴乐宫 C. 梁山宫 D. 阿房宫 [判断题] 住房公积金贷款只能向处于公积金政策缴存状态的在职职工开放。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交