Benefits of Educating
Girl{{/B}} The benefits of educating girls are numerous --to individual girls both when they are young and when they become adult women, to their future families, and to society as whole. Education enables women to contribute more fully to the social and economic development of their societies. A girl’s education is also an investment in future generations. The more educated a mother is, the more likely are her children --particularly her daughters -- to roll and stay in school. The higher level of education attained by women is strongly associated with lower child death. Experts believe more educated women practice better hygiene and nutrition(营养),use health services more frequently, and surviv A. By educating their children. B. By marrying late. C. By supporting the small family. D. By educating their husbands. [单项选择]数据库管理系统是建立在______之上的软件系统,属于系统软件。
A. 数据库 B. 操作系统 C. 编译系统 D. 计算机硬件 [多选题](503079)水射器不上量的影响因素及处理方法有( )。(1.0分)
A.进水压力低时,应提高进水压力 B.真空处漏气时,应检修堵漏 C.喷嘴堵塞时,应疏通喷嘴 D.进出口压差小时,应增大进出口压差 [不定项选择题]惩处形式按具体情形分为()、解除劳动合同、党纪处分、政纪处分等。
A.批评、通报批评、 B.申诫/诫勉 C.待岗 D.降职降级 E.开除 [判断题]乘务长上报《机上事件报告单》,报告一定要由机长、乘务长签字,粉色联交客舱服务部,白色联交安全质量监察部门,绿色联报局方,黄色联由乘务长保管。()()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]保险事故是指保险合同约定的保险责任范围内的事故。
A. 继续输液,给予物理降温 B. 继续输液,给予药物降温 C. 减慢滴速,给予物理降温 D. 减慢滴速,给予药物降温 E. 停止输液,给予药物降温 [判断题]人民法院审理案件,除法律规定的特别情况外,一律公开进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )具有很强的指导性,是确定培训目标、计划的前提。
A.培训评估 B.培训计划 C.培训规划 D.培训需求分析 [不定项选择题]男,30岁。从3楼跌下左腹部跌伤,左6、7、8肋骨骨折,脾破裂,肠破裂。入院当日,精神紧张,体温38.5℃,面色苍白,肢端冰冷,脉搏细速,心率110次/分,血压130/100mmHg,尿量减少。
目前不宜立即进行的检查是( )。
A.血常规 B.腹腔穿刺 C.静脉肾盂造影 D.中心静脉压测定 E.二氧化碳结合力测定 [单选题] 测量有弧形的钢板厚度应选用什么量具( )。
A.板厚千分尺 B.游标卡尺 C.壁厚千分尺 D.钢直尺 [判断题] ( ) CA6140型车床的公共控制回路是1号线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《新疆出入境边防检查总站加强经常性思想工作实操手册》明确,经常性工作必须占领()的阵地,这是根治单位经常性工作的“软弱病”,防止不良倾向和事故的有效措施。
A.“两个以外” B.“三圈”管理 C.“8小时以内” D.“8小时以外” 我来回答: 提交
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