The World Bank is one of the major
channels through which development aid is passed from the Industrial West to the
poor and developing nations. In the last decade, important changes have taken
place in the size of the Bank’s operations and in the emphasis of its lending
policies. Few people would deny that the President of the Bank, Mr. Robert
McNamara, has played a vital role in bringing about the changes. What immediately strikes anyone looking at the lending figures over the last ten years is the tremendous expansion of the Bank’s loan program. This has increased from $1 billion to nearly $ 7 billion. The figure includes "hard loans" which are made at current rates of interest, and "soft loans" which are given to poor countries at concessionary (特许的) rates. In deciding the emphasis of its lending policy, the Ba A. to improve world wide lending policies B. to provide loans for poor developing nations C. to finance the infrastructure construction in the developing country D. to play a decisive role in international banking [单选题]小牛肉的肉质特点之一是( )。
A.含有多种香味 B.肉的颜色较深 C.弹性蛋白较多 D.没有饲料杂味 [单项选择]茶叶可与()混装。
A. 玻璃 B. 香皂 C. 蜂蜜 D. 糖果 [单选题]钢结构承受重复或交变荷载作用时,可能在远低于屈服强度的应力作用下突然断裂,这种断裂现象称为( )。
A.徐变 B. 冲击破坏 C. 疲劳破坏 D. 塑性破坏 [单选题]不成熟B细胞的mIg表达模式是
A.IgM B.IgA C.IgG D.IgM、IgD E.IgE [单项选择]关于“答剌罕”说法不正确的是()
A. 地位比较低下 B. 功绩比较大 C. 可以和贵族一起喝酒 D. 享有免死特权 [多项选择]患儿女,12岁,因“血尿、水肿1周,喘憋1d,抽搐1次”来诊。查体:BP150/100mmHg;HR130次/min,律齐,心音有力;双肺底闻及细小水泡音;肝肋下3cm。应立即做的检查有()
A. 胸部X线片 B. 腹部B型超声 C. 红细胞沉降率 D. 肾功能 E. 血电解质 F. 眼底检查 [单项选择]卵巢恶性生殖细胞肿瘤术后辅助及一线化疗方案首选()。
A. IFO+VCR+DDP B. BLM+DDP+VP-16 C. VCR+ADM+CTX D. DDP+VCR+BLM E. 以上均不是 [多项选择]外部效度的影响因素有( )。
A. 实验环境的人为性 B. 预备实验 C. 测量工具的局限性 D. 样本缺乏代表性 [判断题]在受理单位存款人申请开立单位银行结算账户时,如非法定代表人或单位负责人本人前来办理的,则其授权经办人应为该单位工作人员。各分行可通过审核被授权人单位工作证件、与法定代表人或单位负责人电话联系等方式予以核实,以防止非授权单位工作人员前来办理单位银行结算账户业务,从源头上杜绝风险隐患。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重要客户现场安全检查宜使用现场作业工作卡。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]138.三视图中的主视图()。
A.只能看到物体高度 B.既能看到高度又能看到长度 C.既能看到高度又能看到宽度 D.既能看到长度又能看到宽度 [填空题]防护员必须杜绝无防护员____担当防护作业。
[单选题]实际应用中,高倍数泡沫产生器的发泡倍数一般不超过( )倍。
A.20 B.100 C.200 D.700 [单项选择]