(四) 某项目部承接华北地区某城市道路绿化工程,为全长2.5 km,道路两侧栽植行道树,按设计要求,行道树为深根性的国槐。胸径为12~15 cm。
事件1:国槐带土球移植,土球大小符合规范要求,项目部在苗木运来之前挖好了树穴,树穴上大下小,上口径比下口径大15~20 cm,树穴上口直径与土球直径接近,挖出的表土和底土混合均匀后放置一边备用。
事件2:在挖树穴时发现,有3个树位处地表下0.6 m处有页岩,针对出现的问题,项目部与建设方口头协商后,将此3株树改为灌木的变更方案。
A college freshman squirms anxiously on
a chair in my office, his eyes avoiding mine, those of his English professor, as
he explains that he hasn’t finished his paper, which was due two days
ago. "I just haven’ t had the time," he says. "Are you carrying a heavy course load " "Fifteen hours," he says—a normal load. "Are you working a lot " "No, sir, not much. About 30 hours a week." "That’s a lot. Do you have to work that much " "Yeah, I have to pay for my car." "Do you really need a car " "Yeah, I need it to get to work." This student isn’t unusual, indeed, he probably typifies today’s college and high school students. Yet in all the lengthy analyses of what’s wrong with American education, I have not heard employment by students being b A. Student employment is a major cause of educational decline. B. American education is declining. C. There are many reasons for educational decline. D. Measures should be taken to stop student employment. [名词解释]流通信息化
A.支撑元件 B.开断元件 C.底座传动元件 D.操动机构 [多选题]电缆施工完成后应将穿越过的孔洞进行封堵,以达到( )。
A.防水 B.防火 C.防有毒气体 D.防小动物 [单项选择]下列因素中,可能会影响金瓷强度的是
A. 遮色层过薄 B. 遮色层过厚 C. 瓷泥堆筑时振动过大 D. 瓷泥中水分未吸干 E. 烧结温度过高 [判断题]内攻人员完成既定作战任务后必须立即撤出,不得随意改变作战行动。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]施工机具应定期进行( )。
A.检查$ B.$保养$ C.$维护$ D.$修理 [单项选择]下列疾病紫癜的原因为血管壁功能异常的是()。
A. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜 B. 血友病 C. 过敏性紫癜 D. 严重肝病 E. 白血病 我来回答: 提交