Wilmut maintains that cloning animals
has tremendous potential for helping people. Cloned Sheep, he says, could be
used as living drug factories. Scientists could "engineer" sheep that produce
drugs in their milk. And by altering the proteins on the surfaces of animal
organs to make them more like human organs, scientists believe they may be able
to create a plentiful source of organ donors for people. Why not clone humans as organ donors Theoretically, Wilmut says, there is no reason his techniques couldn’t someday be used to clone people. Think about the possibilities: a whole basketball team of Michael Jordans, a scientific panel of Albert Einsteins, a movie starring and co-starring Brad Pitts. On a more serious note, some experts argue that couples who have difficulty having a baby could make copies of themselves. And p A. Couple who have difficulty having a baby. B. Parents whose child has fatal disease. C. A twin whose parents are dying. D. Dying child with some incurable disease. [单项选择]单板在正常状态下,单板的运行灯和告警灯的状态是()。
A. 运行灯100ms亮,100ms灭,告警灯100ms亮,100ms灭 B. 运行灯1s亮,1s灭,告警灯熄灭 C. 运行灯熄灭,告警灯1s亮,1s灭 D. 两个灯均常亮 [单项选择]通过调查、分析和汇总,找出影响劳动力市场供给的各种因素并分析,预测未来劳动力市场的变化和发展规划是()。
A. 回归分析法 B. 专家意见法 C. 相关因素预测法 D. 市场调查法 [判断题]JM-A型密检器,动接点环打入静接点片的打入深度,从动接点环接通两静接点片开始至动接点环打入接点片的深度不应小于4mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《优化营商环境条例》规定,政府及其有关部门办理政务服务事项,应当根据实际情况,推行( )等制度,实现集中办理、就近办理、网上办理、异地可办。
A.当场办结 B.一次办结 C.约时办结 D.限时办结 [判断题]高压线路在人口密集处穿过时,应在路旁、道口适当设置“严禁靠近,高压危险!”的提示标志。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]散客自助游是指旅游者自行安排旅游行程,以分期付款的方式购买各项旅游服务的旅游形式。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]伺服系统由伺服电路、()、机械传动装置及执行部件组成。
[判断题]目前我国客车上常用的三通阀有103型、GK型两种。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]生产,销售假药致人死亡或对人体健康造成特别严重危害的()
A. 处3年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或单处罚金 B. 处3年以上10年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金 C. 处10年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑,并处罚金 D. 处2年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或单处罚金 E. 处2年以上7年以下有期徒刑并处罚金 [多选题]采煤方法由( )相配合而构成。
A.采煤系统 B.采煤工艺 C.采煤设备 D.采煤技术 我来回答: 提交