Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The electromagnet was invented in England by William Sturgeon,who took an iron rod and bent it into the shape of a horseshoe.This“horseshoe”was coated with varnish and a layer of copper wire was wrapped around it.An electric current was passed through the wire,thus making the rod magnetic.The rod was now,because of magnetic attraction,able to support nine pounds of iron.In the US,a scientist named Joseph Henry improved on Sturgeon’s electromagnet by insulating the copper wine with silk.He was able to wrap many turns of wire around an iron core without danger of short circuits between the turns.His magnet could hold 2,300 pounds.This experiment prompted Henry to try his hand at converting magnetism into electricity.First he coiled some insulat A. His magnet could.hold 2,300 pounds. B. His magnet was more dangerous. C. There were more turns of wire around the iron rod in his magnet. D. His magnet was an improved model. [单选题]下列场所不宜选择点型感烟火灾探测器( )
A.宾馆客房 B.地下车库 C.厨房 D.商场 [单选题]下列( )种类型不属于居住区的规划组织结构。
A.居住区—小区—组团 B.居住区—组团 C.小区—组团及独立式组团 D.行列式和自由式 [单项选择]Princeton, New Jersey, is a small quiet town of family homes, even though it does have a world-famous university. It is not a place (67) anyone would expect to see (68) characters on the streets.
(69) day in 1940, a little girl in (70) saw a funny-looking man (71) towards her. His white hair was wild and (72) to be standing straight out. His (73) were much too big and seemed to have (74) pulled on like a blanket (75) him. He was short, had a big nose and deep-set eyes. He was (76) looking anywhere. It was (77) that he was thinking deeply. He almost (78) into the girl before he (79) her. He smiled at her, then walked on and went on (80) . The girl turned around to get (81) look at the strange old man. She noticed that he was wearing his (82) slippers (拖鞋). That night (83) dinner, t A. not B. never C. just D. been [判断题]牵引逆变器箱采用水冷方式冷却。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]A-A-A-004 4 1 3
铁路职业道德是和谐铁路建设的重要保证。 A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
1 A hurricane(腿风)is a tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed of 74 miles per hour. Hurricane winds blow in a large spiral(螺旋)around a relative calm center known as the"eye".The "eye" is generally 20 to 30 miles wide,and the storm may extend outward 400 miles.As a hurricane nears land,it can bring heavy rains,high winds,and storm surges(风暴潮).The storm surges and heavy rains can lead to flooding. 2 Hurricanes are given a different label,depending on where they occur.If they begin over the North Atlantic Ocean,the Caribbean Sea,the Gulf 0f Mexico,or the Northeast Pacific Ocean,they are called hur- ricanes.Similar storms that occur in the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the International Date line are called typhoons.Near Australia and in the Indian Ocean,they are referred to as tropical cyclones(龙卷风). 3 When a hurricane hits land,it can do great damage through its fierce winds,heavy rains,inland (内陆的)flooding,and huge waves crashing on to the shore. During a hurricane,homes,businesses,and public buildings may be damaged or destroyed;roads and bridges can he washed away.A powerful hurricane can kill more people and deRtroy more property than ally other natural disaster. Fishermen arc at special risk from hurricanes as they may be at sea when a hurricane arrives and not be able to get to a safe harbour if they do not receive adequate warning. 4 If a hurricane is coming in your area,the most important thing is to stay calm and find shelter im- mediately.Go to your safe room.If you do not have 0110,stay indoors during the hurricane and go to safer place near the center of your home.Cover yourself with a blanket and be sure to keep away from windows and glass doors,because if the glass breaks,it's really dangerous.Do not be fooled if there is a lull(暂 停);it could he the eve of the storm一winds will pick up again. A powerful hurricane may become the most destructive__________. A.different labels and glass doors C.inland flooding D.early warning E.natural disaster F.a constant speed [简答题]当IG541混合气体灭火剂喷放至设计用量的95%时,喷放时间不应大于60s且不应小于30s。
[单项选择]用船舶和集装箱装运粮油食品、冷冻品等易腐蚀食品出口的,应向( )申请检验船舶和集装箱,经检验符合装运技术条件并发给证书后,方准装运。
A. 运输口岸机构 B. 海关 C. 口岸检验检疫机构 D. 卫生局 [单项选择]小建中汤的功用是()
A. 和解少阳,内泻热结 B. 理气化湿,和解少阳 C. 祛湿化浊,和中止泻 D. 清热化湿,和中止泻 E. 温中补虚,和里缓急 [单选题]监督被监护人员遵守《配电安规》和执行现场安全措施,及时纠正被监护人员的不安全行为是( )的安全责任之一。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.专责监护人 D.工作负责人 [单项选择]下列有关丙型肝炎的叙述,正确的是()
A. 只能通过输血传播 B. 抗-HCV属保护性抗体 C. 黄疸发生率较高 D. 极易演变为慢性 E. 急性期的治疗不应使用干扰素 [单选题]灭菌物品在温度高于24℃,相对湿度高于70%的条件下存放时,有效期正确的是( )
A.医用皱纹纸包装3个月 B.医用无纺布为1个月 C.纺织品材料包装的为7天 D.纸塑包装袋3个月 [多项选择]下列各选项中,属于中级人民法院一审管辖的刑事案件是()。
A. 外国人犯罪的案件 B. 恐怖活动案件 C. 危害国家安全案件 D. 可能判处无期徒刑的案件 [单项选择]关于交感及骶副交感神经的走向哪个正确()
A. 进入前根 B. 进入后根 C. 进入侧根 D. 交叉到对侧前根 E. 交叉到对侧后根 [多项选择]根据《900、1800MHZTDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网工程验收规范》,号码识别业务包括()。
A. 主叫号码显示 B. 主叫号码限制 C. 被叫号码显示 D. 被叫号码限制 [单选题]1.54.第54题
在进行变压器的空载试验和负载试验时,若试验频率偏差较大,绕组中电阻损耗的测试结果不受到影响。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]合金常见的相图有()、()、()和具有稳定化合物的二元相图。
A.急性感染 B.亚急性感染 C.隐性感染 D.全身播散 E.慢性感染 [填空题] 特指地铁过江段隧道由于某种或多种原因造成地表河流水体大量涌入隧道内进而影响地铁运营,甚至造成行车中断、隧道被淹的事件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]特种设备安全工作应当坚持安全第一、( )、节能环保、综合治理的原则。
A.预防为辅 B.预防为主 C.防治结合 D.效益优先 [简答题]如何辨证湿重于热和热重于湿?
A. 建设主管部门 B. 建筑公司 C. 银行 D. 贸易公司 [单项选择]
A. 隔离,静脉滴注保肝药物,视母儿情况处理 B. 卧床休息,口服保肝药物,继续妊娠 C. 立即行剖宫产术,防止肝脏负担继续加重 D. 立即隔离,行引产术终止妊娠 E. 观察1周,肝功能无明显改善者终止妊娠 [单选题]( )是队列生活的重要内容,是消防救援队伍正规化的重要体现。
A.仪式 B.纪律 C.规矩 D.整齐 [多项选择]患者男性,20岁,因“左下后牙遇冷、热刺激疼痛加重3天”来诊。患者右下后牙食物嵌塞4个月,进食冷、热、酸、甜食物时偶有不适,对冷、热刺激疼痛敏感加重,刺激消除疼痛即刻消退,不伴有自发性疼痛。既往患侧未经过任何治疗。口腔检查:左下6远中邻面龋损,龋洞内有大量食物嵌塞,腐质较多,探诊敏感,无穿髓孔,无叩痛,牙齿不松动,远中牙龈乳头轻度充血,无明显触痛,患牙冷测试极敏感,疼痛呈一过性,牙髓活力电测试较对侧同名牙敏感。治疗原则是()
A. 停止龋病发展,促进牙髓的防御性反应 B. 保护牙髓 C. 正确判断牙髓状况 D. 根据患牙牙髓是否充血和软龋能否去净,采取不同的治疗方法 E. 无自发痛、激发痛不严重、刺激去除后无延缓痛,能去净龋损牙本质者,需双层垫底后充填 F. 尽量保留牙体组织 G. 近髓深龋难以与可复性牙髓炎鉴别时,可先行安抚、观察,再酌情处理 [单选题]有限空间气体检测合格值:一氧化碳浓度应不超过( )ppm,可燃气体浓度应低于爆炸下限的10%。
A.10 B. 20 C.24 D.30 E. 50 [单项选择]中切牙近中接触区比远中接触区距切角
A. 较近 B. 较远 C. 相等距 D. 随磨耗面改变 E. 无一定关系 [单选题]公路工程各合同段验收合格后,项目法人应按交通运输部规定的要求及时完成项目交工验收报告,并向()备案。
A.监理公司主管部门 B.施工企业主管单位 C.县级以上人民政府 D.交通主管部门 [单选题]道岔号数代表了道岔各个部分的主要尺寸,通常用辙叉角的( )来表示。
A.余切值 B.余弦值 C.正切值 D.正弦值 我来回答: 提交