It is one of the world’s most
recognized phrased, one you might even hear in places where little English is
spoken: "The name’s Bond, James Bond". I’ve heard it from a taxi driver in Ghana
and a street sweeper in Paris, and I remember the thrill of hearing Sean Connery
say it in the first Bond film I saw, Gold Finger. I was a Chicago
schoolgirl when it was released in 1904. The image of a candy-coloured London
filled with witty people stately old buildings and a gorgeous, ice-cool hero
instilled in me a deep-rooted belief that Britain was OK. When Fan Fleming created the man with the license to kill, based on his own experiences while working for the British secret service in World War II, he couldn’t have imagined that his fictional Englishman would not only shake, but stir the entire world. Even world-weary actors are thrilled A. shabby B. makeshift C. impressive D. dilapidated [判断题]代履行的费用按照成本合理确定,由当事人承担。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]施工作业登记请点的( )等受理场所称为主站。
A.车站 B.主所 C.场段 D.OCC [多选题]UPS设备巡视项目包括( )。
A.输入、输出指示灯 B.旁路、故障指示灯 C.电池能量灯 D.输入电压、输出电流 [多项选择]经肠道传播的肝炎病毒()
A. HAV B. HDV C. HCV D. HEV E. HBV [单项选择]氟哌啶醇禁用于
A. 抑郁症 B. 精神分裂症 C. 躁狂症 D. 更年期精神病 E. 药物引起呕吐 [单项选择]
{$mediaurl} [判断题]农商银行可凭借财产追偿证明、清收报告等内部证据进行核销。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]喘证的病因包括()
A. 外邪侵袭 B. 饮食不当 C. 情志所伤 D. 劳欲久病 E. 他病转化 [多项选择]转子流量计在实际测量气体流量时要进行修正计算。当被测介质气体的()与空气不同时须进行刻度换算。
A. 组分 B. 密度 C. 工作压力 D. 工作温度 [单项选择] Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and.