A lawyer friend of mine has devoted
herself to the service of humanity. Her special area is called "public interest
law". Many other lawyers represent only clients who can pay high fees. All
lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training, and they work long,
difficult hours for the money they earn. But what happens to people who need
legal help and cannot afford to pay these lawyers’ fee Public interest lawyers fill this need. Patricia, like other public interest lawyers, earns a salary much below what some lawyers can earn. Because she is willing to take less money, her clients have the help need, even if they can pay nothing at all, Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with faulty merchandise. Others are in unsafe apartments, or are threatened with eviction (being driven) and have no place to go. Th A. people who can pay high fees to their lawyers B. people who are very poor and can’t afford to pay their lawyers C. people who have been cheated by stores or threatened with eviction D. people who needs and uses legal help from lawyers [判断题]2号线:误办的进路,需要变更时,在进路未锁闭前可点压清按钮取消进路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]MEL、CDL、MMEL的关系是()
A. MEL和CDL、MMEL无任何关系 B. MMEL是CDL的基础 C. MMEL是MEL的基础 D. MEL是CDL的基础 [单项选择]大气污染的形成和危害,不仅取决于污染物的排放量和离排源的距离,而且还取决于( )。
A. 地形和地物的影响 B. 局地气流的影响 C. 周围大气对污染物的扩散能力 D. 风和气温的变化 [单项选择]He seems to ______ Jane. He knows her well.
A. introduce to B. be introducing to C. be introduced to D. have been introduced to [单项选择]有自办节目功能的有线电视系统前端,应设置单独的前端机房。播出节目在10套以下时,前端机房的使用面积宜为20m2,播出节目每增加5套,机房面积宜增加( )。
A. 2m2 B. 5m2 C. 10m2 D. 15m2 [单选题]排卵发生在
A.分泌期初 B.分泌期末 C.增殖期初 D.增殖期末 E.月经期 [单项选择]患者,男,51岁,干部。1年前无明显诱因出现左侧肩、臂、手的麻木疼痛,以麻木为主,颈部后伸、咳嗽,甚至增加腹压时症状加重如果患者食、中指感觉减退时常提示何部位有病变()。
A. C3~4 B. C4~5 C. C5~6 D. C6~7 E. C7~T1 [单选题]层状云中的降水是()。
A.连续性降水 B.间歇性降水 C.阵性降水 D.强降水 [判断题]依据《广西电网有限责任公司基建项目劳务分包管理指导意见》提出:工程分包必须经建设单位认可后,可不履行分包审批手续。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]辽宁省农村信用社贷款担保管理办法中要求,各法人机构原则上不得接受:担任()、董事或高级管理人员所在公司在其任职期间有过()、逃废银行债务等行为的;有过拖欠银行贷款本息等()信用记录的;有赌博、吸毒等不良行为或犯罪记录的;有洗钱、()行为的;贷款机构认为不适宜提供保证担保的其他人员的担保。
A.法定代表人 B.破产 C.不良 D.恐怖融资 [单选题]用于提供飞机横滚操纵的装置有哪些?
A.两块副翼 B.两块副翼和两块飞行扰流板 C.两块副翼和四块飞行扰流板 D.一块副翼和两块飞行扰流板 [单项选择]关于饮食禁忌的表述,错误的是
A. 寒性病者忌食生冷 B. 热性病者忌食辛热油腻 C. 皮肤病者忌食腥膻发物 D. 外感表证者忌食油腻类食品 E. 胸痹心痛者忌食辛香类食品 我来回答: 提交