Think of all the criminals who have
killed, all the soldiers who have killed; consider the mass murder of Jews in
Nazi Germany. Is there something inside human beings that allows us to take part
in this sort of violence, or were these people swept along by the
situation Stanley Milgram, a New York psychologist, designed an experiment to find answers to this question, paying adult males four and a half dollars to act the role of "teacher" in a complicated experiment. The "teachers" were to ask questions of a "learner", a middle-aged man in another room. If the learner gave an incorrect answer, the teacher was instructed to turn a knob to send an electric current to the learner’s chair. There were thirty positions on the control knob, with the shocks ranging from 15 to 450 volts, the last position marked "Danger: Severe Shock". The teachers were told to A. At 150 volts, the learner began to complain about the pain. B. At 300 volts, the learner complained about his heart condition. C. At 180 volts, the learner demanded that the experiment be halted. D. The position of 370 volts had been marked "Danger: Severe Shock." [判断题]张某性格内向、孤僻且胆小怕事,经常被邻居们嘲讽、欺辱,并产生厌世、仇世情绪,于是决定干件“大事”,以发泄自己的不满情绪。某日,张某持砍刀在大街上随意砍杀5名路人后又劫持1人,威胁县政府,要求县政府提供赎金500万元并解决其家人工作问题。张某的行为属于恐怖活动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]初孕妇,妊娠40周,宫口开全1小时30分尚未分娩。查:先露S-2,有产瘤形成,约3cm直径大小,胎方位LOT,胎膜破裂,羊水清,胎心140次/分,估计胎儿体重3500g,下列哪项处理为宜()
A. 等待阴道自然分娩 B. 产钳助产 C. 行剖宫产术 D. 静脉滴注催产素 E. 徒手转胎位后自然分娩 [单选题]轴箱前盖螺栓及轴端压盖螺栓有锈蚀、破损、滑扣、弯曲、拉长、裂纹者须更换;轴端压盖紧固螺栓材质须为35号钢,并有明显的锻造35号钢标记、制造年标记、制造单位代号标记,制造年月<( )年,可继续使用;否则报废
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题]临床常用于治疗黄疸性肝炎疗效显著的药物是
A.茵陈 B.附子 C.补骨脂 D.酸枣仁 E.穿山甲 [单选题]双钩紧线器受力后应至少保留()有效丝杆长度。
A.1/5 B.1/6 C.1/7 D.1/8 E.略 F.略 [单选题]更换配电站环网柜内熔断器应在无( )的状态下进行。
A.电流 B.电压 C.负荷 D.停电 [单选题]车门状态与对应颜色关系依次正确的是:门故障()紧急解锁()通讯异常()。
A.粉色、灰色、红色 B.粉色、灰色、红色 C.红色、灰色、粉色 D.红色、蓝色、粉色 [判断题]使摩擦系数降低的因素都是减小轧件宽展的因素。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )具有收益增强结构,使得投资者从票据中获得的利息率高于市场同期的利息率。
A.保本型股指联结票据 B.收益增强型股指联结票据 C.参与型红利证 D.增强型股指联结票据 [单项选择]地球上的人观看晴朗的天空呈现蓝色,这是因为()。
A. 大陆上的海水把天空映成蓝色 B. 太阳光中的蓝色被物体反射成蓝色 C. 太阳光中的蓝色光被天空中的微粒散射成蓝色 D. 宇宙空间本身是蓝色 [单项选择]用aspartame作为发甜剂来减少摄入热量的人们最终可能无法达到目的,因为研究显示,高浓度的aspartame会通过耗尽大脑中那些显示对糖满足的化学物质来引起人们对糖的强烈需求。 从上述陈述中最能适当地得出以下哪一项结论
A. aspartame可能比糖对人体的健康更为有害。 B. 不使用aspartame的人不可能产生对糖的强烈需求。 C. 含糖量高的食品含的热量高。 D. 人们趋向于更喜欢甜食,而不是那些含有较多碳水化合物的食品。 E. 含aspartame的食品通常含有较少的碳水化合物。 我来回答: 提交