Most of the plans and programs for diminishing crime
by means of comprehensive community organization have made prevention their
major purpose. However, the underlying concepts on which such programs are based
suffer from inconsistency (不一致,矛盾) and confusion. It would be inaccurate
to speak as if concise, clear, and explicit models for crime prevention existed
especially since writing and discussion on the subject often have been more
ideological than scientific. One conception heavily weighted with ideology is the argument that crime can be prevented by massive or total programs of social and economic improvement directed at the root causes of crime in society as a whole. The assumption is that eliminating harmful social conditions such as poverty, malnutrition, disease, poor housing, family disorganization, unemployment, and r A. are not based on facts and not systematic B. involve profound thinking C. are ideological and scientific D. are not explicitly expressed [简答题]普通无缝线路如何设置位移观测桩?
A.A. 存储 B.B. 采集 C.C. 下发 D.D. 分类 [单项选择]煤与瓦斯突出的矿井,必须使用矿用()蓄电池机车或矿用防爆柴油机车。
A. 防爆特殊型 B. 增安型 C. 一般型 [简答题]桑丹泻白散功效与作用
[不定项选择题]计算机联锁在现场模拟联锁试验之前,电务段应进行全面的( ),并认真做好试验记录。
A.复联试验 B.软件测试 C.联锁仿真试验 D.贯通试验 [单选题] 对计量数据无准确度要求的指示用计量器具,属于( )级计量器具的范围。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多选题]大弯矩杆水泥杆基础一般采用( )。
A.套筒无筋式基础 B. 套筒式基础 C.台阶式基础 D.水泥基础 [判断题]跨区间无缝线路内铺设的道岔困难条件下可设在伸缩区。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交