In business, if not politics, the world
has quietened down a bit: the number of spectacular bankruptcies, indictments,
scandals, and implosions is not as high as it was. Although executives still
have to face a global slowdown, the uncertain effects of the war in the Middle
East, and the still fresh confusion over bird flu, they might now be excused a
deep breath and a look at aspects of their businesses that may have been
neglected in the scramble to stay on top of new accounting laws and restated
earnings. One area to start catching up on is knowledge. This is true both personally, as executives Work out whether or not they are staying on top of internal or external developments, but also at the level of companies. A survey of knowledge management, Knowledge Unplugged, published in 2005 by McKinsey, A. completely change the way people acquire knowledge. B. be of little value for people’s acquisition of knowledge. C. be useful in some aspects for the acquisition of knowledge. D. have great potential in guiding people to acquire knowledge. [单选题]( )的作用是将悬式绝缘子组装成串,并将一串或数串绝缘子连接起来悬挂在横担上。
A.支持金具 B.连接金具 C.接续金具 [多选题]参加涉外活动,或者出国执行任务时,应当坚持礼仪对等原则,遵循相关( )的规定。
A.国际惯例 B.有关外事礼节 C.外事要求 D.礼仪 [单选题] "血清与血浆的主要区别是
A.血浆中没有纤维蛋白原 B.血清中没有纤维蛋白原 C.血浆中没有白蛋白 D.血清中没有白蛋白 " [多项选择]借鉴企业的资产负债表,可以制定出家庭资产负债表。其格式可以采用账户式。下列哪几项属于资产下的现金与现金等价项目中()。
A. 活期存款 B. 股票 C. 货币市场基金 D. 人民币(美元、港币)理财产品 E. 人寿保险现金收入 [单项选择]人舒张压的正常范围是多少毫米汞柱? ()
A. 80~100mmHg B. 50~100mmHg C. 60~90mmHg D. 70~100mmHg [单项选择]He () an old friend in the street the other day.
A. came about B. came across C. came from D. came into [填空题]安全生产三违指的是( )。
A. 确定药物的类别 B. 考察药物的溶解度 C. 反映药物的纯度 D. 检查药物的均一性 E. 检查药物的结晶性 [单项选择]按照现行SOLAS公约的要求,下列哪些从事国际航行的船舶应设置能在9GHz频带上工作的雷达装置()。
A. 所有客船 B. 300总吨及以上的货船 C. 所有货船 D. A和B [判断题]原位更换同型号道岔前,应对道岔铺设位置和影响范围进行测量。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交