Task 2
In 1813 rumors of a threatened invasion of Washington had circulated widely. But no attack materialized, so military preparedness ceased. By 1814 the defensive system for Washington was nonexistent except for a few troops near the city and a weak naval force. Month after month Congress had voted down resolutions to place the capital in a defensive posture, while the secretary of war kept concentrated on his invasion of Canada. The best plan for defense came from the cabinet in July, when it proposed to defend Washington with an army of volunteers from all the states. The result was inadequate at best. Some of the men that reported for duty were told to go home and get better shoes and to bring back a butcher knife if they could not get a musket. On August i8, news reached the capital that a British fleet had s A. August 24th, 1814 was remembered as the one of the darkest days. B. Some top officers were not willing to be prepared against the war. C. The city was indefensible at the time. D. Winder was unqualified for the defense of the city. [判断题]列车验票时,确认没有铁路电子客票信息的,应当开具客运记录,交到站处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]主动脉在维持舒张压中起重要作用、主要由于( )
A.口径大对血流摩 擦阻力小 B.管壁厚 C.管壁有可扩张性的弹性 D.血流速度快 [判断题]*汽轮机节流调节法称断流调节法,喷嘴调节称质量调节法。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于胃溃疡,不正确的是
A.多发生于慢性萎缩性胃炎背景 B.好发生于胃体大弯侧 C.与口服非甾体抗炎药有密切关系 D.根除幽门螺杆菌可降低复发率 E.可发生癌变 [单选题]巡视工作应由( )的人员担任。
A.工作负责人 B.工作许可人 C.值班负责人 D.有配电工作经验 [多选题]行政执法程序具有以下重要的制度意义。( )
A.规范和控制行政权力 B.维护行政相对人的合法权益 C.提高行政效率 D.加强了对社会的管理 [多选题]轨道电路在断轨状态时,下列哪些因素会影响轨道继电器衔铁的可靠落下?( )
A.钢轨阻抗模值 B.发送设备电流 C.送电端电源电压 D.接收设备电流 [判断题]根据《行政处罚法》,行政法规可以设定除限制人身自由以外的行政处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在提速道岔转辙部分及可动心轨辙叉部分拨道时,应有电务部门配合。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]全自动车钩功能性和气密性试验目的()。
A.对中功能正常 B.电子钩头触点接触正常 C.管路无泄漏 D.联挂及解钩功能正常 [判断题]807.室内给水横管宜有0.002~0.005坡度坡向泄水装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]确定航路的依据是:()。
A. 河流客观规律 B. 交通管制河段的特定航路 C. 某些航道的分道航行规则 D. 以上都是 我来回答: 提交