Forget what Virginia Woolf said about
What a writer needs-a room of one’s own. The writer she had in mind wasn’t at
work on a novel in cyberspace, one with multiple hypertexts, animated graphics
and downloads of trancey, chiming music. For that you also need graphic
interfaces, ReslPlayer and maybe even a computer laboratory at Brown University.
That was where Mark Amerika—his legally adopted name; don’t ask him about his
birth name-composed much of his novel Grammatron. But Grammatron isn’t just a
story. It’s an online narrative (grammatron. com) that uses the capabilities of
cyberspace to tie the conventional story line into complicated knots. In the
four years it took to produce—it was completed in 1997—each new advance in
computer software became another potential story device. "I became sort of
dependent on the industry", jok A. he could not help but set his Grammatron and others in Industrial Revolution B. conventional writers had been increasingly challenged by high technology C. much of his Grammatron had proved to be cybernetic dependent D. he couldn’t care less about new advance in computer software [单项选择]
以下提供若干组考题,每组考题共同使用在考题前列出的A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案。请从中选择一个与问题关系密切的答案。每个备选答案可能被选择一次、多次或不被选择。 心肌缺血发生后,血中出现高峰浓度最晚的标志物是( ) A. CK B. MB C. cTn D. LD1 E. ALT [多项选择]在不考虑缺货和需求量稳定的情况下,计算经济采购批量只需要考虑( )。
A. 变动订货成本 B. 变动储存成本 C. 自有资金成本 D. 借入资金成本 E. 资本金成本 [填空题]Although the two firms are in the same business, it will be a challenge to integrate them without ______ (损害到双方品牌的价值).
[单选题]行进间纵队时队列指挥位置在队列( )中央前或者偏后, 必要时在队列中央前。
A.左侧 B.右侧 C.前面 D.后面 [单选题]某单层棉麻粗加工厂厂房,耐火等级为一级,建筑面积为3000m,在该厂房内同时设有亚麻除尘
A.甲类 B.乙类 C.丙类 D.丁类 [单选题]保证作业现场安全的组织措施应包括:作业风险识别、评估、预控、施工作业票、作业开工、( )、作业间断、转移、终结。
A.作业监护 B.工作负责人 C.保护绳索 D.作业工具 [单选题]在excel中,最适合反映某个数据在所有数据构成的总和中所占的比例的一种图表类型是____。
A.散点图 B.折线图 C.柱形图 D.饼图 [单选题](单选题)主动脉瓣区收缩期杂音可见于
A. 甲状腺功能亢进 B. 升主动脉扩张 C. 主动脉瓣关闭不全 D. 先天性心脏病的房间隔缺损 E. 扩张型心肌病 [单项选择]用β-环糊精包藏挥发油后制成的固体粉末是()
A. 物理混合物 B. 微球 C. 脂质体 D. 固体分散体 E. 包合物 [判断题]暴风雪及台风暴雨后,应对高处作业安全设施逐一加以检查。发现有松动、变形、损坏或脱落等现象,应立即修理完善。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,施工单位的( )应当经建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门考核合格后方可任职。
A.主要负责人 B.项目负责人 C.专职安全生产管理人员 D.技术负责人 E.施工班组长 [单选题]党支部党员人数一般不超过( )人。
A.40 B.50 C.60 D.70 [多项选择]市委提出到2012年,连云港市培育年销售收入500亿元的产业集群三个,分别是();年销售300亿元的产业集群三个,分别是()。
A. 钢铁、石化、装备制造(含修造船) B. 新医药、新材料、新能源 C. 建筑、医药 D. 销售、服务业 [单项选择]According to the author of this passage, the term "stress" can be defined as
[单选题]无机化合物用序号( )表示。
A.500 B.600 C.700 D.800 [单选题] 使用面质技术时,错误的做法是( )。
A. 使用尝试性面质 B. 不以事实为依据 C. 避免个人发泄 D. 避免无情攻击 [单选题]在传染病管理中,属强制管理的传染病为( )
A.艾滋病 B.肾综合征出血热 C.黑热病 D.肺结核 E.霍乱 [判断题]法院通过处罚国家行政机关及其公务员的违法犯罪行为,来实现对国家行政管理活动的监督。( )
A.长城 B.大运河 C.长征 D.黄河 我来回答: 提交