How exactly, does science work How do
scientists go about doing science Ordinarily we think science proceeds in a
straight-forward way. Ideally scientists make observations, formulate hypotheses
(假设), and test those hypotheses by making further observations. When there is
difference between what is observed and what is predicted by the hypothesis, the
hypothesis is revised. Science proceeds in this way, which is a gradual method
of finding the best fit between observation and prediction. But this idealized version of how one does science is naive. Although science demands proof that observations made by one observer be observable by other observers using the same methods, it is by no means dear that, even when confronted with identical phenomena, different observers will report identical observations. And it is most ce A. The research methods used by scientists. B. Observation and human perception variation. C. The relation between hypothesis and observation. D. The human perceptual mechanism. [单项选择]村镇银行的开业申请,银监分局或银监局自受理之日起()个月内作出批准或不予批准的书面决定。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]根据《安全生产法》,生产经营单位的其他负责人和安全生产管理人员未履行安全生产法规定的安全生产管理职责,导致发生特别重大生产安全事故的,暂停或者吊销其与安全生产有关的资格,并处上一年年收入( )罚款。
A.20%~50% B.30%~60% C.40%~80% [单选题]带电检测110kV绝缘子串(7片成串)时,当发现同一串中的零值绝缘子片数达到( )片时,应立即停止检测。
A.4 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单选题]AT供电方式中,正馈线与接触线间的额定电压为( )KV。
A.25 B.27.5 C.50 D.55 [单选题]由工作班组现场操作时,若不填用操作票,应将设备的双重名称,( )及操作内容等按操作顺序填写在工作票上。
A.设备名称和编号 B.线路的名称、杆号、位置 C.双重称号 D.设备名称 [单选题]依据系统安全理论,下列关于安全概念的描述,错误的一项是( )。
A.没有发生伤亡事故一定等于绝对安全 B.安全是一个相对的概念 C.当危险度低于可接受的水平 时即为安全 D.安全性与危险性互为补数 [单选题]急性心肌梗死患者发病后24小时内主要的死亡原因是( )
A.心脏破裂 B.心律失常 C.心力衰竭 D.心源性休克 E.室壁瘤 [单选题]电动机绕组断线应( )。
A.停机检查 B.观察情况 C.继续运行 我来回答: 提交