Children in the UK are not reading
enough at home, favouring television and computer games instead, according to
new research. The survey conducted earlier this month by Nesfl6 Box Tops for Books, which asked parents about their children’s reading habits, found that half of UK children spend less than two hours reading per week. A further one in 10 had not read a book in the past month, and of those who do read regularly, one in four avoid non-fiction titles. More than half of the parents surveyed believed their children should read more non-fiction books. "It is essential that young children read at least one book a week and, in particular, educational books," said family counsellor Jenni Trent Hughes. But others believe such a stern approach to reading may not help children. "We can turn A. Young people, especially boys can’t easily get access to good books of non-fiction. B. A lot of good non-fiction books are coming out into the market. C. Such kind of non-fiction are eroding into the reading habits of young people especially boys. D. Non-fiction books have been isolated from our reading experience. [判断题]车载TOD位于司机操作台上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]He was said ______ a gift from her, knowing that it meant a bride.
A. to be refused B. to refuse C. to have been refused D. to have refused [单项选择]
{{B}}Directions:{{/B}} In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions {{B}}ONLY ONCE.{{/B}} When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your {{B}}ANSWER BOOKLET.{{/B}}
A. (A) She had her vacation there. B. (B) She took a diving course there. C. (C) She was there on a field trip. D. (D) She visited a marine exhibition. [单选题]夏季使用电动液压工器具时应防止暴晒,其液压油油温不得超过( )℃。
A.65 B.70 C.75 D.80 [单选题]以下属于六级信息系统事件的是:()
A.省电力公司级以上单位与各下属单位间的网络不可用,影响范围达80%,且持续时间2小时以上; B.省电力公司级以上单位与各下属单位间的网络不可用,影响范围达40%,且持续时间8小时以上; C.省电力公司级以上单位与各下属单位间的网络不可用,影响范围达40%,且持续时间16小时以上; D.省电力公司级以上单位与各下属单位间的网络不可用,影响范围达40%,且持续时间4小时以上。 [简答题]橡胶的应力-应变曲线是否会出现屈服现象?
[单选题]在区间线路上进行不影响行车安全的作业,不需要以停车信号或移动减速信号防护,应在作业地段两端500~1 000 m处列车运行方向左侧(双线在线路外侧)的路肩上设置作业标()。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]【M】 电网下达的年度检修工期计划中 ,A,
B, C级检修的开工时间原则上不做调 整 ,特殊情况需调整时 ,在向电网上报前 ,应提前7d报中国电力审批 。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《公司法》的相关规定,下面有关公司章程的说法正确的是______。
A. 公司章程须由全体股东或发起人共同起草协商制定,否则公司章程不得生效 B. 必须采用书面形式,经参与制定的股东和发起人同意并在章程上签名盖章才能生效 C. 对公司、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员具有约束力 D. 须经过出席股东会(股东大会)的股东过半数通过,才能进行修改 [判断题]玉米茎和叶的维管束鞘都具有花环形结构。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]钢轨大修周期(直线或曲线半径2000m及以上)原则上应规定的线路累计()确定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]5 1 3
线圈切割相邻线圈磁通所感应出来的电 动势,称为互感电动势。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,携带型接地线使用前应检查是否完好, 如发现( )均不应使用。
A.绞线松股 B.绞线断股 C.护套严重破损 D.夹具断裂松动 [判断题]弗兰克缺陷是原子迁移到间隙中形成的空位-间隙对。
[判断题]阀门主要有截止、调节、止逆和安全四大作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交