下列处理哪项最为重要() The U. S. Bureau has estimated that the
population of the United States could approach 300 million in 2000 and will be
400 million in 2020. And the U. S. Department of Commerce estimates that the
average U.S. per capita income will increase from $3400 in 1969 to the
equivalent of$8300(assuming a 1967 price level) in the year 2000,2.5 times as
much as that of 1969. According to government statistics, in the United States, there are over 110 million cars and "more people" means "more cars". By the end of twenties of next century, the population of the United States will have doubled that of today and the number of automobiles will be doubled as well. And in twenty-year’s time the per capita income will also be 2.5 times higher than it is. If this increase income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased cons A. the increase of cars B. the increase of population C. the expansion of nuclear power D. the possible environmental pollution [单项选择]某交通运输企业拥有5吨载重汽车20辆,4吨挂车10辆,2.5吨客货两用车6辆,其中1辆归企业自办托儿所专用。该企业所在地载货汽车年税额20元/吨,乘人汽车年税额200元/辆。该企业当年应缴纳车船使用税( )元。
A. 3310 B. 3460元 C. 3550 D. 3700 [单项选择]肺热痰壅咳喘()
A. 浙贝母 B. 昆布 C. 杏仁 D. 紫菀 E. 竹沥 [单选题]由于油层的非均质性及开采方式不当,使注入水及边水沿高渗透层及高渗透区不均匀推进,在纵向上形成( ),使油井过早水淹。
A.舌进 B.推进 C.单层突进 D.水官 [多选题]在向客户递送物品时应( )。
A.双手接物,表示恭敬.尊重 B.有尖头的物品(如剪刀等)应注意尖头部分应朝向自己 C.轻拿轻放 D.在传递有字的物品时,字的正面应向着对方,以便对方看清楚内容 [判断题]May l provide turn-down service now? 汉义:我现在可以做晚床吗?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]道槽区挖方为石方时,则超挖( )为褥垫层。
A.20~30cm B.30~40cm C.10~20cm D.40~50mm [单项选择]Let me ______ the broken glass before someone walks on it.
A. cover up B. clear up C. wash up D. spring up [单项选择]直放站发光功率告警()dBm。
A. -10 B. -5 C. 0 D. 5 [单选题]目前导轨材料中应用得最普遍的是( )。
A.铸铁 B.黄铜 C.青铜 D.45钢 [单选题]新生儿胃容量为( )毫升,3 个月时为 120 毫升,1 岁时为 250 毫升。
A.30~35 B.35~40 C.40~45 D.45~50 [单选题]试验装置的电源开关,应使用明显断开的双极刀闸。为了防止误合刀闸,可在()上加绝缘罩。
A.手柄上 B.开关上 C.刀闸 D.刀刃 [单选题]1.7 载货汽车和大型、中型非营运载客汽车超过10年的,每_______个月检验1次。
A.12 B.3 C.4 D.6 [判断题]1-矿井高压电网,必须采取措施限制单相接地电容电流不得超过30A。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开采工艺中的采装.运输和排土作业是间断进行的称为( )。
A.间断开采工艺 B.连续开采工艺 C.半连续工艺 [单选题]肌腱、关节、筋膜等组织受损所引起的深部疼痛属于
A.肌肉疼痛 B.躯体疼痛 C.局部疼痛 D.放射痛 E.牵涉性疼痛 [判断题]路用列车在区间或施工作业中不得无动力停留。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]确有违法行为,但有依法不予行政处罚情形的,作出不予行政处罚决定;有违法所得和非法财物的,应当予以退还。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]干燥罐内作业的照明、电动工具的电压不得大于()V。
A. 12 B. 36 C. 220 [单选题]不是YQD-15型液压起道器起道力不足的原因。
A.起道轮压陷过重 B.溢流阀弹簧松弛 C.泵套铜垫不密封 D.油缸、柱栓泵密封圈磨损 [多选题]供港澳活动物饲养场(中转场、育肥场)注册程序包括:_______。
A.受理 B.初审 C.考核 D.批准 [填空题]以下函数 fun 的功能是返回 str 所指字符串中以形参 c 中字符开头的后续字符串的首 地址,例如:str 所指字符串为:Hello!,c 中的字符为 e,则函数返回字符串:ello!的首地址。若 str 所指字符串为空串或不包含 c 中的字符,则函数返回 NULL。请填空。
char *fun(char *str, char c)
{ int n=0;char *p=str;
while(p[n]!=c&&p[n]!= ’’/0’’) n++;
if(p[n]== ’’/0’’) return NULL;
return( _________);
[单选题]关于X线摄影检查的优点,错误的叙述是 ( )
A.对功能观察优于透视 B.成象清晰 C.对比度良好 D.有客观记录 E.密度、厚度差异小的部位能显示 [单项选择]Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this passage
A. Austrians do not speak English as their native language. B. About 260 million people in the world have an adequate working knowledge of English. C. English is widely used in some developing countries, especially former British colonies. D. For some multi-lin gual countries it is necessary to choose a language for both internal and international communications. 我来回答: 提交