Questions 51- 55 are based on
tile following passage. In response to his rough summons, I had entered the room and shut the door quietly behind me. There was a pause of complete stillness in which the buzzing of the bees among the pink roses sounded as loud as a flight of aircraft. I said, "Grandfather " on a note of painful hesitation. His voice was harsh when he spoke, and the words uncompromising, but I had seen him wet his lips and make the attempt twice, "Well, Annabel " I went quickly across the ro A. the grandfather forgave the girl at last B. the grandfather didn’t forgive her C. the grandfather was still angry with her D. the grandfather didn’t want to forgive her [简答题]回流电缆:
A.D1 B.CIF C.2CIF D.2D1 [单选题]国有企业党委(党组)发挥( ),把方向、管大局、保落实,依照规定讨论和决定企业重大事项。
A.引导作用 B.领导作用 C.管理作用 D.决策作用 [单项选择]施工方进度控制的任务是依据( )对施工进度的要求控制施工工作进度,这是施工方履行合同的义务。
A. 施工任务委托合同 B. 施工目标管理合同 C. 施工管理投资合同 D. 施工计划控制合同 [单项选择]有一架天平,只有5克和30克的砝码各一个。现在要用这架天平把300克味精分成3等份,那么至少需要称多少次?()
A. 3次 B. 4次 C. 5次 D. 6次 [单选题]必然王国和自由王国是社会发展的
A.两种不同的道路 B.两种不同的状态 C.两种不同的方式 D.两种不同的结果 [判断题]气门间隙过大过小都会影响发动机的功率。()
[单选题]检查燃气用具是否漏气时.通常采用( )来寻找漏气点。
A.划火柴 B.肥皂水 C.闻气味 [单选题]AVC系统正常运行过程中可以修改软件中设定的计算和控制参数;未经许可,子站值班员不得修改界面中的设定参数。
A. A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第四十八条规定,退还带有“( )”字戳迹的车票时,应先办理行李变更手续。
A.学 B.行 C.孩 D.团 [单选题]继发性肺结核早期病灶多位于
A. 肺尖部或锁骨下区域 B. 肺门部 C. 肺上叶下部或下叶上部近胸膜处 D. 肺外周部 E. 无规律 [单选题]从境外引进野生动物物种的,应当经国务院野生动物保护主管部门批准。从国外引进列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录的野生动物,还应当依法取得()。
A.经营利用许可证 B.运输证 C.专用标识 D.允许进出口证明书 我来回答: 提交