Carl studied in our high school three
years ago. Last August his father found a job in another city and his family
moved there. He began to study in a new school and we often write to each other.
He often tells me something about the city where he lives now and his studies in
the school. So I can know what happens to him. Last Friday Carl came to our city again. He hoped to stay with his old grandpa during the summer holiday. He’s taller and stronger than before. We swam in the river outside the city together or had a picnic on the island. It surprised me that he has learned to cook when we were travelling in the wild forest. He told me his parents were both busy and sometimes he stayed at home alone and he had to look after himself. "How do you like your school" I asked. "Wonderful," said the young man. "It has a tall A. he often visits me B. I often telephone him C. he writes to me now and then D. I live not far from him [单选题]丙型肝炎患者使用过的便盆用含氯消毒剂浸泡,消毒剂的有效浓度为
A.有效氯l00mg/L B.有效氯250mg/L C.有效氯500mg/L D.有效氯1000mg/L E.有效氯5000mg/L [判断题]判断题:车孔时的切削用量应比车外圆低一些。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于转岗培训的方式的是( )。
A.与新员工一起参加拟转换岗位的岗前培训 B.接受现场的一对一指导 C.外出参加培训 D.管理理论培训 [简答题]建制单位在哪些不便于敬礼并报告的时机和场合遇见上级领导时,只由在场职务最高者向上级领导敬礼?
[单选题]氢气爆炸极限( )(体积比),自燃温度500℃,最小点火能0.019mJ,最大爆炸压力0.720MPa。
A.1%~4% B.4%~7.5% C.4%~75% D.75%~95% [单选题]下列不属于我国货币市场的是( )
A.银行间同业拆借市场 B.银行间债券回购市场 C.银行间债券市场 D.票据市场 [单项选择]会计职业道德评价的对象是会计人员的()。
A. 职业素养 B. 职业技术 C. 职业道德 D. 职业行为 [多选题]燃烧是一种氧化还原反应,一般伴有()等基本特征表明它不同于一般的氧化还原反应。(易)
A. 放热 B. 发光 C. 发烟 D. 火焰 [单项选择]
Outwardly you may be on friendly terms with the people next door, but, if the truth (1) known, you would not think much of them. Their ways may be (2) enough, but they are not your ways. It is not hatred, far (3) envy; neither is it contempt exactly. Only you do not understand why they live as they (4) . You judge people by their social background. They were not brought up as you were—not that they are to blame (5) that, but certain advantages that you had were (6) by them. Rude noises come from that house next door that you would not (7) from respectable people. Laughter late (8) night, when you want to sleep—how coarse door always (9) , and what a variety of songs! Why do they never try a new one There (10) be new songs from time to time but you (11) hear them next door. Then there is that young woman who sings! What voices the people next door have. After a song is [判断题]自助(智能)设备可以采取补充方式加配钞。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]“按照他们所受的教育和个人的地位来说,他们可能和小店主相隔天壤。使他们成为小资产者代表人物的是下面这样一种情况:他们的思想不能越出小资产者的生活所越不出的界限,因此他们在理论上得出的任务和解决办法,也就是小资产者的物质利益和社会地位在实际生活上引导他们得出的任务和解决办法。一般说来,一个阶级的政治代表和著作代表同他们所代表的阶级之间的关系,都是这样。”(《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷,人民出版社,1995年第2版,第614页)。这段话蕴含和体现了哪些观点( )。
A.一个理论的阶级属性可以和创立者本人实际的阶级出身不一致 B.社会存在决定社会意识,是人们的生活决定人们的意识 C.律师家庭出身的马克思和资本家出身的恩格斯提出的马克思主义理论代表了工人阶级的利益,所以不能说人们的生活决定人们的意识 D.马克思和恩格斯的阶级出身与他们理论所代表的阶级属性不一致,所以对历史人物的所谓阶级分析方法是不适用的。 我来回答: 提交