When a disease of epidemic proportions threatens the public, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the source of affliction and find ways to combat. Vaccination is one of the effective ways to protect the (1) population of a region or country which may be (2) grave risk. The process of vaccination allows the patient’s body to (3) immunity to the virus or disease so that, if it is encountered, one can fight it (4) naturally. To accomplish this, a small weak or dead (5) of the disease is actually injected into the patient in a controlled environment, (6) his body’s immune system can learn to fight the invader (7) . Information (8) how to penetrate the disease’s defenses is (9) to all elements of the patient’s immune system in a process that occurs naturally, in which genetic information is passed from cell to cell. This makes sure that (10) the patient later
A. available
B. plausible
C. accessible
D. inherent
Awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1918, German physicist Max Planck is best remembered as the originator of the quantum theory. His work helped usher in a new era in theoretical physics and revolutionized the scientific community’s understanding of atomic and subatomic processes. Planck introduced an idea that led to the quantum theory, which became the foundation of twentieth century physics. In December 1900, Planck worked out an equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately over the range of low to high frequencies. He had developed a theory which depended on a model of matter that seemed very strange at the time. The model required the emission of electromagnetic radiation in small chunks or particles. These particles were later called quantums. The energy associated with each quantum is measured by multiplying the freque A. Optics. B. Thermodynamics. C. Statistical mechanics. D. Biology. [单选题]【单选题】 病人,男性,50岁,患肾脏疾病,需做尿蛋白定量检查。需在标本中加入
A. 甲醛 B. 乙醛 C. 甲苯 D. 稀盐酸 E. 浓盐酸 [判断题]用人单位社保费申报密码将重置为参保医疗险种的单位编号后六位。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]国家统计局批准使用的42张卫生监督信息卡,涵盖了目前卫生监督机构职责范围内的12个专业, 包括:( )
A. 公共场所卫生、生活饮用水卫生、学校卫生 B. 职业卫生、放射卫生 C. 消毒产品、传染病防治、餐具饮具集中消毒 D. 医疗卫生、采供血卫生、妇幼健康 [单项选择]已复核发出的汇款信息称()。
A. 实物凭证 B. 收汇信息 C. 发汇信息 D. 实物信息 [填空题]货物在铁路运输途中需换装整理时,如两天内未换装整理完毕,应由换装站以电报通知到站,以便( )查询
A. MTX+激素 B. 非甾体类药 C. 非甾体类药+激素 D. 外科治疗,如关节置换等手术 E. 小剂量激素 [单项选择]在保安等级1时,SSP应确定对限制区域所采取的保安措施,其中可包括()
A. 锁牢进入点 B. 利用监控设备监视这些区域 C. 利用守卫或巡逻监视这些区域,使用自动闯入探测设备 D. 以上都是 我来回答: 提交