All of us communicate with one another
verbally (口头的) as well as non-verbally. Most of the time we are not aware that
we’re doing it. We wave a hand, meet someone else’s eyes or look away, shift
positions in a chair. We make these movements unconsciously. But researchers
have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent (一致的) and
comprehensible as language. Every culture has its body language. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it. In talking, Americans are likely to end a statement with a lowering of the eyelids. They conclude a question with a lift of the hand or a widening of the eyes. With a future-tense verb A. Waving a hand. B. Making eye contact. C. Changing positions in a chair. D. Crying in a low voice. [填空题]There is no denying that our world is becoming more and more developed. Due to the{{U}} (36) {{/U}}conveniences brought about by the thriving industries of today, we are{{U}} (37) {{/U}}toward a more advanced stage of civilization. However, we should never fail to note that while we are trying every means to satisfy our{{U}} (38) {{/U}}needs for better quality and larger quantity by producing millions of tons of{{U}} (39) {{/U}}plastic bags and chopping down vast areas of forest, we are, in fact, cutting the{{U}} (40) {{/U}}of ourselves. It is high time that we came to face the severe problem of{{U}} (41) {{/U}}pollution mused by our inattention to the{{U}} (42) {{/U}}development of industries.
Nobody can bear the idea of living in an environment where people have to wear{{U}} (43) {{/U}}masks whenever they go out and where a sunny bright day becomes a rare sight. Nevertheless,{{U}} (44) {{/U}}And if we do not prevent environmental pollution, we would{{U}} (45)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()是广告所要表达的重点和中心思想,是整个广告活动的灵魂所在。
A. 广告调查 B. 广告主题 C. 广告受众 D. 广告创意 [填空题]S4
[判断题]2.85 业务办理一窗式是指推行车驾管业务一窗受理、集成服务,推行缴费支付电子化,做到受理、审核"一次排队、一次办结",缴费后到取证窗口排队领取证件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]Excel2007默认的工作簿名是(____)。
A.Sheet1 B. Sheet2 C.B.ook.xls D.B.ook1.xls [单项选择]漂白粉的消毒作用与有效氯的含量有关,因此有效氯含量不到()的,则不适用于作消毒用。
A. 16% B. 15% C. 12% D. 25% [单项选择]国家《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》规定强制实行工程量清单计价的范围为()。
A. 单位职工集资建设的住宅工程 B. 企业自建自用的工程 C. 公用设施工程 D. 国有资金投资为主的大、中型建设工程 [多选题]基础分部验收有( )参加
A.总监理工程师 B.建设单位负责人 C.施工单位项目负责人 D.勘察单位项目负责人 E.设计单位项目负责人 [单选题]室外构架上工作,在作业人员上下铁架或梯子上,应悬挂()的标示牌。
A.“禁止攀登,高压危险!” B.“在此工作!” C.“止步,高压危险!” D.“从此上下!” [单项选择]为了建立投资约束机制,规范建设单位的行为,建设工程应当按照政企分开的原则组建项目法人,实行( )。
A. 项目法人责任制 B. 旁站监理 C. 项目咨询评估制 D. 建设工程监理制 [简答题]简述HXN3型机车司机操纵台上压力表显示何处压力。
[多选题] 精神障碍的发病原因与下列因素有关
A.生物因素 B.心理因素 C.器质因素 D.社会因素 [单选题] 帮助病人整理床单位的目的不包括
A.使病床平整 B.使病人舒适 C.预防褥疮 D.防止感染 [多选题]轨道作业车管理的基本任务是:( )。
A.以安全生产为中心,贯彻执行上级有关规章制度 B.建立健全技术、运用、安全和组织措施,实施专业管理 C.正确使用,精心保养,规范检修,确保性能良好 D.强化专业指导和教育培训,不断提高从业人员技能水平,确保安全运用 [单选题]到1956年社会主义改造基本完成后,我国的社会经济结构发生了根本变化,全民所有制和集体所有制经济占整个国民经济的比重超过().
A.50% B.60% C.80% D.95% [单项选择]牙列缺失患者,同一颌弓内牙槽骨呈现不均匀、不对称吸收,其最主要相关的原因是
A. 力大小 B. 咀嚼习惯 C. 患者健康状况 D. 咀嚼部位 E. 失牙原因和时间 [判断题]图书的书页以单页状态装在专用纸袋或纸盒内,叫散页装订。
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