W: Are you asleep Or are you just pretending to sleep
M: I’m really asleep.
W: If you can hear me, you must be faking it. Good. You can give me a hand with the chores.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman()
Human beings are animals. We breathe,
eat and digest, and reproduce the same life (31) common to
all animals. In a biological laboratory, rats, monkeys, and humans seem very
much the same. However, biological understanding is not enough: (32) itself, it can never tell us what human beings are. (33) to our physical equipment—the naked human body—we are not an (34) animal. We are tropical creatures, (35) hairless and sensitive to cold. We are not fast and have neither claws nor sharp teeth to defend ourselves. We need a lot of food but have almost no physical equipment to help us get it. In the purely physical (36) , our species seems a poor (37) for survival. But we have survived—survived and multiplied and (38) the earth. Some day we will have a (39) living on the moon, a p A. Apart from B. With the exception of C. With regard to D. In spite of [填空题]
What shouldn’t individuals entering the workforce offer [单选题]解决台湾问题、实现祖国完全统一,是全体中华儿女____,是中华民族____所在。( )
A.一致愿望 根本利益 B.共同愿望 本质利益 C.一致愿望 本质利益 D.共同愿望 根本利益 [判断题]59 本题分数:1.5 分
人民法院、人民检察院以及行政执法部门依法查封、扣押的机动车,公安机关交通管理部门可以凭相关证明办理机动车转移或注销登记。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《山东省安全生产条例》,高危生产经营单位的主要负责人和安全生产管理人员,应当由安全生产监督管理部门对其考核合格,考核不得收费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]测绘人员在不卸掉仪器的情况下,搬移测量仪器时,应松开所有(),并注意行进道路路况,防止人员、设备损伤。
A.固定螺母 B.旋转螺母 C.校正螺母 D.连接螺母 [单项选择]条形码中前静区及后静区的宽度通常不小于()。
A. 2mm; B. 4mm; C. 6mm; D. 8mm. [单项选择]婴宁“爱笑”的性格特点主要源于()。
A. 自然天性 B. 鬼母教养 C. 环境影响 D. 自我修养 [填空题]数字转速表的数码盘共有()齿,当汽轮机转速为3000转/分时,磁电转换器每秒输出()个脉冲。
[多选题]在护患关系中护士扮演的角色包括 ( )
A.关怀和照顾的提供者角色 B.教师角色 C.咨询者角色 D.病人辩护人角色 E.变化促进者角色 [单选题]( )对列管消防监督指导工作负主要责任,承担组织安排日常工作、办理消防行政处罚和行政强制措施等具体业务。
A.主责监督员 B.协管监督员 C.主责承办人 D.协管承办人 [单选题]井下巷道轨道运输中,两机车或两列车在同一轨道同一方向行驶时,必须保持不少于( )m的距离。
A.50 B.100 C.150 [多选题]手机银行的手机号转账业务中,下列哪项项为必输选项( )
A.对方手机号 B.对方户名 C.对方银行 D.附言 [单选题]反洗水流量由小到大,观察过滤器视镜,使排水至滤层面()mm
A.A50~100 B.B50~200 C.C100~200 [单选题]二次能源是将一次能源经过加工或转换得到的能源,如:()。
A.石油制品、电力、煤气; B.原油、焦炭; C.热能、天然气; D.太阳能、电力、风能。 [简答题]一个男的看到报纸上的一个培训中心的课程宣传,打电话向女的咨询
all packing materials
[单项选择]When men grow older, their hair often begins to fall out. When hair begins to fall out (41) old age, it is impossible to make it (42) again. I know a man who found (43) his hair was beginning to fail out on his fortieth birthday. He bought some ointment(药膏) and used it on his head. (44) ointment was very expensive. It (45) $50 for a small can ! He used the ointment on his head (46) a day. Every day he (47) into his mirror(镜子) to see (48) is hair was growing again, but the ointment was (49) good. Every day more and more hair fell out and (50) there was no hair left on his head.
[A] no [B] so [C] very [多项选择]政府在开工前的质量监督检查的内容包括()。
A. 审查施工组织设计 B. 工程实体质量和质量控制资料的完成情况 C. 审查参与建设各方的工程经营资质证书和相关人员的资格证书 D. 检查的结果记录保存 E. 检查参与工程项目建设各方的质量保证体系建立情况 [单选题]生产经营单位与从业人员签订的( ),应当载明有关保障从业人员劳动安全、防止职业危害的事项,以及依法为从业人员办理工伤 社会保险的事项。
A.工资合同 B.养老保险 C.劳动合同 D.失业保险 [多选题]严格控制专用线办理( )、( )、( )的共用。
A.危险货物 B.超限、超长货物 C.集重货物 D.军运货物 [单选题]上海市辖区、县的新设、撤销或合并,应由()批准。
A.上海市人民政府 B.国务院 C.上海市人民代表大会常务委员会 D.上海市人民代表大会 我来回答: 提交