Manners are different in every country;
but true politeness is everywhere the same. Manners are only{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}helps which ignorance assumes in order to{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}politeness, which is the result of good sense and good{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}. A person possessed of those qualities, though he had never seen a
court, is truly{{U}} (70) {{/U}};and if without them, would continue a
clown,{{U}} (71) {{/U}}he had been all his life a gentleman usher. He
who{{U}} (72) {{/U}}airs of importance exhibits his credentials (证明) of
{{U}} (73) {{/U}}. There is no policy like politeness; and a good
manner is the best thing in the world to get a good name, or to{{U}} (74)
{{/U}}the want of it. Good manners are a part of good morals, and it is{{U}}
(75) {{/U}}much our duty as our interest to practice in both. Good
manners are the art of makin A. what B. that C. which D. who [单选题]《运行规程》中规定,在最大计算弧垂下,110kV架空线路经过居民区,导线对地面的最小距离是
A.5米 B.6米 C.7米 D.8米 [单项选择]避难走道的前室、防烟楼梯间及其前室或合用前室的机械加压送风系统宜()设置。当需要共用系统时,应在支风管上设置压差自动调节装置。
A. 分别 B. 合并 C. 独立 D. 分开 [单选题]铅酸蓄电池组安装应按照产品( )的规定执行。
A.合格证 B.试验报告 C.技术文件 D.投标文件 [单项选择]能够获得一个文本框中被选取文本的内容的属性是______。
A. Text B. SelLength C. SelText D. SelStart [判断题]CASE法阻尼系数Jc仅与桩端土性有关,一般遵循随土中粗颗粒含量增加而增大的规律。
A. 80~120HU B. 40~120HU C. 0~80HU D. 40~80HU E. 80~40HU [单选题]实施深井、地下等受限空间救援时,
应佩戴空(氧)气呼吸器或使用移动供气源等防护装备,必要时使用( ),及时掌握受限空间情况。 A.可视救援装备 B.蛇眼生命探测仪 C.音视频生命探测仪 [单选题]《中华人民共和国合同法》第六十七条规定,当事人互负债务,有先后履行顺序,先履行一方未履行的,后履行一方有权拒绝其履行要求.这体现了法律的( )
A.指引作用 B.教育作用 C.预测作用 D.评价作用 [判断题] 《南昌局集团公司安检查危工作管理办法》(南铁客〔2019〕264号)规定旅客不接受安全检查时,要纳入征信系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]()一般工业机器人仅由伺服控制层组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](47793)200≥vmax>160km/h正线,轨道动态质量容许偏差管理值,车体垂向加速度Ⅲ级偏差管理值为()g。(1.0分)
A.0.06 B.0.09 C.0.1 D.0.15 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第21.4条规定:在沟道和井下等密闭空间作
业时,应在周围设置遮栏和警示标志。 工作现场不应少于( ) 人,地面上应有人担任监护。如人员撤离,沟道、 井坑、孔洞的盖板和安全设施应及时恢复,或在其周围设置临时围栏并 装设照明等显著标志。 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [判断题]166.信号机设在列车运行方向的左侧或其所属线路的中心线上空。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]"When an individual enters a strange culture, he or she is like fish out of water." New comers feel at times that they do not’ belong and consequently may feel alienated from the native members of the culture. When this happens, visitors may want to reject everything about the new environment and may glorify and exaggerate the positive aspects of their own culture. Conversely, visitors may scorn their native country by rejecting its values and instead choosing to identify with (if only temporarily) the values of the new country.
Reactions to a new culture vary, but experience and research have shown that there are distinct stages in the adjustment process of foreign visitors. When leaving the comfortably secure environment of home, a person will naturally experience some stress and anxiety. The severity of cultural shock depends on visitor’s personalities, language ability, emotional support, and duration of stay. It is also influenced by the extent of differences, either actual o A. A period when one misses his home. B. A period when one feels excited about everything in a foreign culture. C. A period when one gets acquainted with other people. D. A period when one begins to study the foreign languag [判断题]所有的肿瘤患者均不能献血。
A.数据远传和能耗核算 B.数据远传和能耗分析 C.数据处理和能耗分析 D.数据处理和能耗核算 [判断题]()减少叶轮级数离心泵的扬程排量均减少。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁运旅客运输规程》中规定,行李每件的最大重量为()克。
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [判断题]工地职工宿舍冬季煤炉设专人管理、房间无通风孔。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]资本主义经济危机的实质是( )。
A. 产品严重匮乏 B. 货币大幅贬值 C. 国际收支极不平衡 D. 生产相对过剩 [多选题]禁毒是全社会的共同责任。( )应当依照有关法律的规定,履行禁毒职责或者义务。
A.国家机关 B.社会团体 C.企业事业单位 D.其他组织和公民 [单选题]患者女。因左舌下腺囊肿(口外型)于门诊行左舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,术后第二天左颌下区发生肿胀,且进食时明显。最可能的原因是
A.因左舌下腺囊肿口外型口外部分未处理所致 B.因左颌下腺导管结石所致 C.因前日术中误结扎左颌下腺导管所致 D.左下颌下淋巴结反应性肿胀 E..因急性左下颌下腺炎症所致 [单项选择]对于增强型驾驶舱门,以下说法不正确的是:().
A. 采用防弹材料 B. 驾驶舱内加装了蜂鸣器和压力传感器 C. 正常向前打开,紧急时向后打开 D. 安装了三个电磁活门控制的机械锁 我来回答: 提交