{{B}}Quake Engineering: Looking at the Turkish Earthquake Damage {{/B}} Despite the size of the devastating quake that ripped through Turkey, American structural engineers say there was something that might have alleviated the damage and saved lives. These images of the devastation in Turkey confirm what seismic engineers already know: that a powerful earthquake has an ally in a weak building. Jim Malley of Degenkolb Engineers, "This is the most common form of multi-story building In Turkey. It’s what we call a concrete frame." Structural engineer Jim Malley studied damaged buildings in Turkey in 1992 after a 6.8 (Richter Scale)quake left more than 600 dead. Jim Malley says, "These are very heavy buildings and A. Rigid frames so that buildings do not move in earthquakes. B. Concrete frames. C. Buildings designed to move and sway. D. One-story buildings. [单选题]儿童期的性心理咨询一般不包括( )方面。
A.性好奇 B.性别认同 C.性科学的认如 D.性冲动的困惑 [多选题]真空预压法处理软弱地基,若要显著提高地基固结速度,以下哪些选项的措施是合理的?( )
A.膜下真空度从50kPa增大到80kPa B.当软土层下有厚层透水层时,排水竖井穿透软土层进入透水层 C.排水竖井的间距从1.5m减小到1.0m D.排水砂垫层由中砂改为粗砂 [单项选择]下列操作系统基本类型的分类中,不包括()
A. 批处理操作系统 B. 个人计算机操作系统 C. 实时操作系统 D. 计划操作系统 [单选题]为了提高果冻制品营养价值和口味特点,往往在制作中加入适量的( )
A. 红色素 B. 水果丁 C. 巧克力 D. 蛋黄 [单选题]单选题:《延时运营应急预案》实行的处置原则为 ( )。
A.安全第一,预防为主 B.由上至下、从外到内 C.安全第一、分级控制、合理引导 D.高度集中、统一指挥、逐级负责 [多项选择]属于钢筋加工机械的是()
A. 钢筋强化机械 B. 钢筋焊接机械 C. 钢筋成型机械 D. 钢筋预应力机械 [单选题](27905)所列材料中溶点最高的金属是( )。
A.铝 B.铜 C.纯铁 D.熟铁 [单项选择]男婴,独坐稳,换手,认生,头围43cm哪项反射已不存在()
A. 腹壁反射 B. 吸吮反射 C. 跟腱反射 D. 提睾反射 E. 巴宾斯基征阳性 [多选题]电缆故障定位中,电压降法必须具备以下前提条件(____)。
A.被测电缆长度 B.故障电缆截面相等 C.故障电缆材料相同 D.故障电缆温度相同 [判断题]定位管上定位环的安装位置距定位管根部不小于40mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]球磨机滑履的温控范围为()。
A. ≤50℃ B. ≤60℃ C. ≤65℃ D. ≤70℃ [单项选择]
There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual the sort of environment in which he is reared (抚养). If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable. [单选题]1998年2月,党的十五届二中全会在北京举行,全会审议通过了《()》。
A.国务院机构改革方案 B.党政机构改革方案 C.省级机构改革方案 [单项选择]最适宜空气和表面灭菌的方法是()
A. 热压灭菌 B. 干热空气灭菌 C. 流通蒸汽灭菌 D. 紫外线灭菌 E. 60Co辐射灭菌 [单项选择]
有以下程序 A. 随机值 B. 0 C. 5 D. 6 [单项选择]在一条点对点的链路上,为了减少地址的浪费,子网掩码应该指定为______。
A. B. C. D. [单选题]嘧啶分解可产生
A.尿酸 B.尿囊酸 C.尿素 D.β-氨基异丁酸 [单选题]李某在某县城开了( )的餐馆应纳入九小场所管理。
A.容纳99人 B.容纳110人 C.容纳120人 D.容纳150人 [单选题]【单选题】爆炸品、硝酸铵、剧毒品(非罐装、铁路危险货物品名表“特殊规定”栏有第 67 条特殊规定的)、气体类和其他另有规定的危险货物运输作业实行( )。
A.交接制度 B.签认制度 C.区段负责制 D.首办制度 [多选题]生物识别技术是利用人体固有的生理特性和行为特征来进行个人身份鉴定的技术。人脸、指纹、()是目前较广泛的生物识别方式。
A.掌纹 B.虹膜 C.声音 D.手势 [单选题]法律和其他议案由全国人民代表大会以全体代表的( )通过。
A.三分之二以上 B.三分之一以上 C.四分之三以上 D.过半数 我来回答: 提交