5岁,男,突然看不清东西,1~2分钟后两眼斜视,牙关紧闭,四肢呈阵挛性抽搐伴有发绀,大小便失禁,经10分钟后惊厥停止,以后发作3次。 |
Dad was (10) 80. But he always laughed (11) my concerns. Now the cancer came back. He had a month, two (12) , he said, and merely asked me to (13) my strength for the golf course.
We played at course near the English village of Freckleton. During World War Ⅱ my father had (14) in an army (15) the outskirts of the village.
A local told us," There was (16) memorial service because of the bomber. "
I (17) at Dad. "Do you know the bomber"
His (18) had turned pale. "Yes. Come with me. "
I followed him to a (19) ground at the rear of a church.
"How did these folks die" I asked.
"They weren’ t folks. They were (20) . Four and five-year-olds. Thirty-eight in all. One of our bombers (21) into the school. "He shut his eyes. "God, What a (22) ! I rem
A. at least
B. at last
C. at most
D. mostly
It sounds like a science fiction, but
researchers say it’s a scientific fact: Microscopic organisms dubbed "killer
algae" are paralyzing fish with unknown toxins and then eating away at their
flesh. {{U}}They{{/U}} might be making people sick, too. The name given to this single-cell organism, or dinoflagellate, is Pfiesteria piscimorte—{{U}}literally{{/U}}, "fish killer." It was discovered at North Carolina State University in 1988, but at the same time, few scientists believed in its existence, much less in its highly unusual predatory nature. But ongoing research has led to international acknowledgment of the phenomenon and, recently, research funding. Seemingly {{U}}prompted{{/U}} by an unknown substance secreted by fish, the aggressive creature swims into action. It sends neurotoxins into the water and air, paralyzing a fish’s nervous syste A. What is the toxin used by the fish killer B. Who first discovered the organism C. How does the fish killer paralyze fish D. How many fishes can the organism kill each day [判断题]涉密人员因公.因私出国(境)的,按照管理权限和规定程序实行严格审批。经批准,核心涉密人员可因私出国(境)。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]直接式换热器在食品工业中既可用来对()进行()、也可用作()。在直接式UHT杀菌系统中所用的加热器是直接式的,应用的加热介质是(),具体的热交换器形式有()式和蒸汽注入式。在真空蒸发浓缩系统中,用于冷凝()的水也是直接式热交换器,具体的型式有:喷射式、()式和孔板式等。
A.S-T段 B.T波 C.P波 D.P-R段 E.QRS波群 [判断题]任何人发现火灾都应当立即报警;任何人都应当为报警提供便利,不得阻拦报警;严禁谎报火警。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在用截止阀关断的各段蒸汽管上,其未端必须装有带截止门的疏水管。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]互感器实际二次负荷应在()额定二次负荷范围内。( )
A.30%—60% B.40%—60% C.25%—100% D.30%—90% [单项选择]当前中国面临的贸易摩擦不但源于产业结构、贸易政策等经济因素,也与中国国际地位的上升息息相关。这反映了( )。
A. 事物的发展是前进性和曲折性的统一 B. 事物之间的因果联系是复杂多样的 C. 事物的性质是由矛盾的主要方面决定的 D. 结构变化会引起事物性质的变化 [简答题]微处理器、微型计算机以及微型计算机系统的基本定义分别是什么?
[多选题]安全工器具运输或存放在车辆上时,不得与酸、碱、油类和化学药品接触,并有( )的措施。
A.防晒 B.防滑 C.防损伤 D.防绝缘性能破坏 [判断题]美国的投资银行和英国的商人银行就是证券公司。 ( )
A.维修部门 B.作业部门/监管部门 C.主办部门 D.施工管理部门 我来回答: 提交