W: Well, look at the words. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note on the inside of the front cover. It’s dated 1893. Maybe it’s worth something.
M: Everything on that shelf is worth fifty cents.
W: But if this is the signature of someone who is well-known, it might bring a lot more. I hear William Shakespeare’s signature is worth about a million dollars.
M: Oh I can hardly read what that one says. Who wrote it
W: The name looks like "Harold Dickson". Wasn’t he a politician or something I’m going to buy this book and see if I can find a name looks like that in the library.
M: Good luck. Your poetry book may make you rich, but I think my seventy-five-cent story is a better buy.
Clone Farm Factory farming could soon enter a new era of mass production. Companies in the US are developing the technology needed to "clone" chickens on a massive scale. Once a chicken with desirable traits has been bred or genetically engineered, tens of thousands of eggs, which will hatch into identical copies, could roll off the production lines every hour. Billions of clones could be produced each year to supply chicken farms with birds that all grow at the same rate, have the same amount of meat and taste the same. This, at least, is the vision of the US’s National Institute of Science and Technology, which has given Origen Therapeutics of Burlingame, California, and Embrex of North Carolina $ 4.7 million A. The US’s National Institute of Science and Technology. B. Origen therapeutics of Burlingame, California. C. Embrex of North Carolina. D. Animal welfare groups. [填空题]离散家庭同样拥有未来生活形态的正向潜力,关键是要拥有健康的“()”。
[多选题]下列属于国标安全色有( )种颜色。
A. 红 B. 黄 C. 绿 D. 紫 E. 蓝 [单选题]单选题:启动《延时运营应急预案》后车站车控室公务电话仅限( )拨打。
A.行车调度 B.公司领导 C.值班站长 D.中心站(副)站长 [单项选择]银行不承担任何投资风险,而客户承担全部投资风险的理财产品是哪一类型?()
A. 保证固定收益产品 B. 保证最低收益产品 C. 保本浮动收益产品 D. 非保本浮动收益产品 [单选题]成都市发布重污染天气蓝色预警时,分公司根据线网指挥中心的调度命令启动重污染天气()响应
A.蓝色预警 B.橙色预警 C.黄色预警 D.红色预警 [单选题]____是一个国家、一个民族发展中更基本、更深沉、更持久的力量。
A.道路自信 B.理论自信 C.制度自信 D.文化自信 [单选题]A公司投资1亿元在本公司厂区内筹建及合生产厂。2015年6月1日,项目通过招标确定B公司为总承包方负责此工程的设计.建造工作。按照安全生产相关规定A公司与B公司在签订施工合同的同时,从安全方面还需要办理如下手续()。
A.安全生产管理协议 B.安全交底 C.事故应急救援预案 [判断题]假冒他人注册商标的行为既是侵犯注册商标专用权的行为,也是不正当竞争行为。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]工程项目风险监测与控制的方法有()。
A. 风险再评价法 B. 风险审核法 C. 储备分析法 D. 纠正行动法 E. 修改项目计划的输入法 [判断题] 微机保护每间隔一个采样间隔会产生一个采样脉冲,微型机将转入执行一次中断服务程序。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]针对不同的数控系统,CAM软件采用( )。
A.相同的后处理 B.不同的后处理 C.专门编写的后处理 D.软件默认的后处理 [单选题]《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,()应当自行完成建设工程主体结构的施工。
A.总承包单位 B.分包单位 C.施工单位 D.建设单位 [单选题] 在微机中,西文字符所采用的编码是
A. BCD码 B. ASCII码 C. EBCDIC码 D.国标码 [多项选择]以下哪种手机电池不具有记忆效应()
A. 镍镉电池 B. 镍氢电池 C. 锂电池 [单项选择]
In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence(AI)predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our house work. But as useful as computers are, they’re nowhere close to achieving anything remotely resembling these early aspirations for humanlike behavior. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of and object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid. [单选题]小车变幅式塔式起重机,应设置小车行程限位开关和终端缓冲装置。限位开关动作后应保证小车停车时其端部距缓冲装置最距离为( )mm。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200 我来回答: 提交