Without question there are plenty of
bargains to be had at sales time—particularly at the top-quality shops whose
reputation depends on having only the best and newest goods in stock each
season. They tend, for obvious reasons, to be the fashion or seasonal goods
which in due course become the biggest bargains. It is true that some goods are specially brought in for the sales but these too can provide exceptional value. A manufacturer may have the end of a range left on his hands and be glad to sell the lot off cheaply to shops; or he may have a surplus of a certain material which he is glad to make up and get rid of cheaply; or he may be prepared to produce a special line at low cost merely to keep his employees busy during a slack period. He is likely to have a good many "seconds" available and if their defects are trifling t A. find the best bargains at every opportunity B. beware of being cheated C. buy things that are necessary D. pay more attention to the price [多项选择]水痘的临床主证有()
A. 发热 B. 皮肤分批出现丘疹、疱疹、结痂 C. 皮疹离心性分布 D. 疱疹壁薄,易破溃流出脓水 E. 口唇黏膜,手足出现疱疹 [单选题]第一次国共合作的政治基础,是以联俄、联共和( )的三大政策为革命灵魂和革命方法的新三民主义。
A.扶助农工 B.反对军阀 C.反对封建主义 D.联合农民阶级 [单项选择]Jack: I'm sorry, but I can't find the magazine you lent me. Mike: Jack: I really feel bad about it. Let me buy you a new one. Mike: No. I won't dream of letting you do that.
[填空题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》规定,普速旅客列车车厢内外置式垃圾箱有盖,放置位置不() 或影响其他服务设施使用。
[单选题]‐年版港币的视障标识位于票面正面的哪个位置?( )
A.左上角 B.右上角 C.左下角 D.右下角 [判断题]锅炉严重满水时,汽温迅速下降,蒸汽管道会发生水冲击( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]· You will hear a panel discussion about some major problems, or issues facing the Internet technology. The host is joined by an industrial expert and a senior executive from Effnet, a Swedish company producing Internet security equipment.
· For each question 23—30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.
· You will hear the recording twice.What are the main functions of a firewall system A. It protected packets of information from being raided. B. It can break everything up into little packets. C. It can meet the world demand of the generic plug-in card.
A. 项目成员的组织和集成,以及技术与信息的集成 B. 专家知识的组织和集成,以及技术集成 C. 专家成员的组织,以及信息的集成 D. 专家知识的组织和集成,以及信息的组织和集成 [多项选择]下列哪些是属于城市总体规划的强制性内容()
A. 确定城市的性质、发展目标、发展规模和具体用地范围 B. 城市规划区范围 C. 城市基础设施和公共服务设施 D. 城市综合交通体系规划和工程管线综合规划 E. 各项建设的总体部署和建筑密度、高度等控制指标 [单选题]消火栓口离地面高度宜为()m。
A. 1.3 B. 1.1 C. 1.5 D. 1.8 [填空题]对于除配合要求外,还有极高形位精度要求的要素,其尺寸公差和形位公差的关系应采用()。
[多项选择]单指包扎的方法有哪些( )
A. 螺旋反折形包扎法 B. 环形包扎法 C. 螺旋形包扎法 D. “8”字形包扎法 E. 回返形包扎法 [填空题]The Internet originated on American soil. In 1969, the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Defense Department established the world’s first testing packet-switched network (PSN) to connect four universities on US soil. The world saw a remarkable expansion of the scale and number of Internet users from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. In September 1989, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was founded with a grant from the US Department of Commence to administer the Internet terminal server. Over the past 40 years, the US has been dominating the world Internet as the core technique holder with an inherent advantage of being the cradle of the Internet.
There are 13 terminal servers in the world to keep the Internet run (1) , with a master server and nine of the 12 second (2) servers stationed in the US. In terms of technique, the network of a country will disappear from the world Internet if its domain name re [多项选择]在加强对员工异常行为动态情况的排查方面,要重点关注员工的()
A. 工作圈 B. 生活圈 C. 社交圈 D. 消费圈 [多选题]建设单位对设计及费用变更的权限有()
A.负责220千伏电网基建项目(含通信工程、二次系统工程、自动化工程))重大设计变更审批; B.负责110千伏及以下电网基建项目重大设计变更审批,并报公司备案; C.负责三类小型基建项目重大设计变更审批; D.一般设计变更由业主项目部审核后提出申请,建设单位审批; E.小型设计变更由建设单位或建设单位授权业主项目部审批。 [单项选择]A firm's demand for labor most likely decreases if:()
A. the price of the firm's output increases. B. marginal product of labor increases. C. the price of a complement of labor increases. [单选题]加强人民当家作主制度保障。( )是坚持党的领导.人民当家作主.依法治国有机统一的根本政治制度安排。
A.人民代表大会制度 B.多党合作和政治协商制度 C.民族区域自治制度 D.基层群众自治制度 [单选题]电阻、电感、电容并联电路中,当电路中的总电流滞后于电路两端电压的时候( )。
A.X=XL-XC<> B.X=XL-XC=0 C.X=XL-XC>0 D.X=XL=XC [单项选择]患者女性,50岁。十二指肠溃疡病史10余年。近日患者自觉疼痛加剧,1小时前突感上腹刀割样疼痛,很快蔓延到全腹疼痛。急诊入院:查体全腹有明显的压痛、反跳痛,肌紧张板样强直,初诊为十二指肠穿孔。
医嘱予非手术治疗,其措施不包括 A. 禁食 B. 胃肠减压 C. 静脉补液 D. 应用抗生素 E. 腹腔穿刺抽液 [判断题]送电线路交叉跨越铁路和主要公路时,必须测交叉点至轨顶和路面高程,并记录铁路、公路被交叉跨越处的里程。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) 乳化液只起冷却作用。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交