For the people who have never traveled
across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it
frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another, and they do
not make the voyage for the (41) of its interest. Most of us
are quite happy when we feel (42) to go to bed and pleased
when the journey (43) . On the first night this time I felt
especially lazy and went to bed (44) earlier than usual. When
I (45) my cabin, I was surprised (46) that
I was to have a companion during my trip, which made me feel a little unhappy. I
had expectedA. being lonely B. to be lonely C. being alone D. to be alone [判断题]
( )图样不论放大或缩小,图样上标注的尺寸均为机件的实际大小,而与采用的比例无关。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]线路工程图包括( )。
A.线路平面图 B.线路纵断面图 C.线路横断面图 D.A、B、C都不对 [简答题]诉讼时效
[简答题]71.You know as well as I do that scientists who misuse their science and their knowledge in order to make nuclear arms, or poison gas, or to manipulate genes could always be found and can still be found. I have often wondered what is going on in the minds of such people. Do they not know what they are doing Are they tempted in their well-paid jobs by the men behind the scenes Or are they so obsessed with the hatred of an alien ideological concept or a foreign nation that they accept any means to kill their enemies, even though they are certainly aware that the whole world may be destroyed
72. Without doubt we can only agree with the Russian academician and biologist W. A. Engelhardt, who raised the question of the increasing responsibility of scholars and scientists in view of increasing global dangers, in the origin of which their creators, that is to say the scientists, have participated. Above all this reproach is directed towards the natural sciences. Nevertheles [单选题]取印模时,被动肌功能修整方法是 ( )
A.轻拉唇颊部,在上颌向前向下,下颌向前向上 B.轻拉唇颊部,在上颌向前向上,下颌向前向下 C.轻拉唇颊部,在上颌向后向下,下颌向后向上 D.嘱患者轻轻活动唇颊部,并作吞咽、伸舌等动作 E.轻拉唇颊部,在上颌向后向上,下颌向后向下 [判断题]避雷器不可以限制雷击过电压( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Number类型的默认值为()
A. 0 B. false C. NaN D. null E. undefined [判断题]( )预应力加固钢梁进行钢梁全面加固的方法是用高强度钢丝索以强拉状态固定于主梁下翼缘 上,使主梁结构产生与活载所起的应力符号相反的应力以达到增加钢梁承载能力的目的。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在我国,对于服务人员在服务态度上的总的要求是()
A. 热情服务 B. 自律自重 C. 礼待宾客 D. 以质见长 [单选题]机动车超车完毕驶回原车道时,应当提前( )。
A.开启右转向灯 B.开启危险报警闪光灯 C.伸手示意其他车辆注意 D.开启左转向灯 [判断题]对公众聚集场所投入使用、营业前的消防安全检查,消防救援机构应当自受理申请之日起15日内进行检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]母亲带1岁男孩来院查体,经检查该小儿体格发育正常。
其体重约可达( )。 A. 6~7kg B. 7~8kg C. 9~10kg D. 13~14kg E. 15~16kg 我来回答: 提交