Water will evaporate from any wetted surface. A
.significantly large fraction of the rainfall that falls on land is returned to
the atmosphere in this fashion. In addition water is assimilated by root systems
of growing plants and is later transpired from the leaf surfaces by a process
essentially identical to evaporation. The two effects, evaporation and
transpiration, cannot be individually discriminated for their effectiveness in
returning rainfall to the atmosphere, but their sum contribution can be
evaluated and is usually called the evapotranspiration factor. The fraction of
rain falling on the United States that is returned to the atmosphere by
evapotranspiration, for example, is 70 percent; for the world as a whole,
approximately 62 percent. In arid countries such as Australia the fraction is
larger, and in less arid areas such as the United Kingdom i A. the evaporated and transpired water from the earth itself B. the wet atmosphere above in the sky C. returning rainfall to the atmosphere D. the mixture of wet and dry air [判断题]某县公安机关在对一起抢夺案件侦查时,犯罪嫌疑人王某提出,侦查人员江某是被害人的邻居,要求其回避。在回避决定作出前,江某不能停止侦查工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]网线线缆被拔出代表网线未插靠,收费内网中的网卡必须设置固定IP利用运行项输入ping+相应网关IP,测试网络是否通畅,设备是否联网。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]花儿为什么这样红最后要归功于人工选择。自然选择进程缓慢,需要经过很长时间才能显示它的作用,人工选择大大加快了它的进程,能够在较短的时间内取得显著成果。
人工栽培的历史仅二三百年,却已有上千种形状、颜色不同的品种。 这段话直接支持了这样一种观点,即( )。 A. 人工栽培的历史虽短,却成就非凡 B. 自然选择没有人工选择好 C. 人工选择能使花的颜色更红 D. 人工选择加快了花的变化进程 [单项选择]Going on computer may be the toughest job a remodeling contractor ever does. In order to make a conversion within a year, a company will need to make a major shakeup. This does not mean it will take a year to start using the computer for one function such as estimating, accounting, or word processing. The total conversion process will not be accomplished in a short period with little effort. A contractor in Indiana recently said he wished someone had warned him about how tough it was going to be. With an annual volume of more than $ 500,000 and a good staff in place he still had fear.
For effective use of the computer in a remodeling business, a complete change in methods of doing business usually is required. All management staff must get involved. Changes may include pre-selecting and standardizing products and systems. Developing specifications, changing the estimating system, and requiring more detailed information on time card. The list goes on and on. Without the support and A. several months B. about a year C. half a year D. several years [单项选择]直肠外脱垂最常用的检查方法是()
A. 肛门镜检 B. 患者蹲下做排便动作 C. 钡灌肠造影 D. 直肠指诊 E. 排粪造影 [单选题]雷电天气时,( )。
A.一般不进行倒闸操作,确实需要倒闸操作需经变电站站长同意,并应穿绝缘靴和戴绝缘手套 B.不宜进行电气操作,不应就地电气操作 C.禁止进行倒闸操作 [多项选择]不计免赔率特约条款,费率为15%的为()。
A. 车辆损失险 B. 第三者责任险 C. 车上人员责任险 D. 盗抢险 [简答题]关于印发†主要污染物总量减排监察系数核算办法(试行)‡的通知‣(环发„2007‟194号)于何日颁布施行?
A. 快人一步 B. 低时延 C. 高速度 D. 国际化 [单选题]Ⅱ类固体废弃物处置场应选在防渗性能好的地基上。天然基础层地表距地下水位的距离不得小于( )。
A.0.5m B.1.0m C.1.5m D.8.0m [简答题]校方要求统一穿园服,家长认为影响孩子审美,觉得不美观拒绝穿园服,你怎么办?
A. 心动过缓、血压下降 B. 心率加快、血压升高 C. 心率加快、血压下降 D. 心率减慢、血压升高 E. 心率、血压不变 [填空题]()、()的信息报道是报纸广告的特点。
[多选题]碾压机械的开行方式通常有( )。
A.环行路线 B.进退错距法 C.圈转套压法 D.8字形路线法 E.大环行路线法 [判断题]直接直流变流电路也称斩波电路(DC Chopper)。 (0.5)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中国工会的基本职责是:维护职工合法权益、竭诚服务职工群众。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
患者呼吸浅短难续,声低气怯,甚则张口抬肩,倚息不得平卧,咳嗽,痰白如沫,咯吐不利,腰膝酸软,小便清长,舌淡暗,脉沉细数无力。 其证候是()A. 肺肾气虚 B. 痰浊壅肺 C. 痰热郁肺 D. 痰蒙神窍 E. 阳虚水泛 [多项选择]()行为属于签发空头支票。
A. 逾期支票 B. 余额不足 C. 大小写金额不一致 D. 印鉴与预留印鉴不符 [单选题]( )工程是世界第一条商业运行的同塔双回路特高压输电工程。
A.哈密南-郑州±800千伏特高压直流 B.晋东南-南阳-荆门1000千伏特高压交流 C.浙北-福州1000千伏特高压交流 D.淮南-浙北-上海1000千伏特高压交流 我来回答: 提交