The mother is told that her child is desperately ill--the chance of survival are slim, and the treatment is as dreadful as the disease()
What makes a leader That’s the question star
headhunter Thomas J. Neff and James M.Citrin try to answer in their recent book,
"Lessons from the Top: The Search for America’s Best Business Leaders". The six principles shared by top business leaders and discussed in the book are: Living with integrity, developing a winning strategy or "big idea", building a great management team, inspiring employees to greatness, creating a flexible and responsible organization and using reinforcing management systems. Citrin and Neff elaborated on the six principles in a recent Business Week interview. The most important one for business A. A.Information is no longer power as everyone in the organization can share the same information at the same time. B.It’s difficult to create a good balance between work and family unless you have a good spouse. C.You can be successful both in work and family. D.Only a few of the interviewed CEOs may have some problem in family life. [判断题]人民警察对公民提出解决纠纷的要求,应当给予帮助。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]安全距离是指高压线放电距离之外、施工坠落半径以内。
A.A.绝缘服或绝缘披肩、绝缘袖套 B.B.绝缘手套、绝缘鞋 C.C.绝缘安全帽 D.D.绝缘梯 [单选题]支气管扩张患者啰音特点为( )
A.广泛的哮鸣音 B.广泛的湿性罗音 C.相应病变部位闻及固定而持久的局限性湿罗音 D.散在哮鸣音 E.散在湿性罗音 [单选题]单轨列车广播,“停止”键用于( )的广播输出( )
A.客室对终端 B.司机室对终端 C.中断对客室 D.中断对司机室 [单选题]( ) 对仪器仪表至少进行一次通电检测或使用
A.每月 B.每半年 C.每周 D.每季度 [单项选择]一位现代学者在评论一部历史文献时说:“在这里,孔子已经换上了西装。”这一评论指的是()
A. 董仲舒笔下的孔子 B. 李贽笔下的孔子 C. 维新变法时期康有为笔下的孔子 D. 新文化运动时期陈独秀笔下的孔子 [判断题]3.225. 第225题
在变电站内使用起重机械时,应安装接地装置,接地线应用多股软铜线,其截面应满足接地短路容量的要求 ,但不得小于15mm2。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]【单选题】
Totally NSSA区域的ABR发布Type3缺省路由传播到区域内,所有域间路由都必须通过ABR才能发布。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 扑救高层建筑火灾的重要任务()。
A. 有效控制火势蔓延 B. 有效进行排烟 C. 有效进行火情侦查 D. 有效进行人员疏散 [单项选择]The first underground railway in Shanghai ______ in 1994.
A. 唐朝王冰 B. 东汉张仲景 C. 晋代皇甫谧 D. 西汉刘向 E. 西汉刘歆 [多项选择]中国居民向银行申请开立个人银行结算帐户,可出具()
A. 户口簿 B. 身份证 C. 驾驶执照 D. 护照 [判断题]133、申请复审时.持证人员应提交《特种设备作业人员证》原件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]二氧化碳灭火系统应用方式目前只有管网灭火系统一种形式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择][*]
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
{{B}}Section A{{/B}} Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. A. The woman should resign. B. The woman should stop tolerating her job. C. The woman should consider her job objectively by comparison. D. The woman should be happy with the terrible working conditions. [多项选择]2002年5月8日,王某骑车回家经过一工地时,掉入没有设置明显标志和采取安全措施的坑中,造成骨折。王某于同年6月10日找到建设项目的发包人和承包人要求赔偿,两单位相互推诿。同年6月13日,王某前往法院起诉,突遭台风袭击,中途返回。下列说法哪些是正确的
A. 本案诉讼时效期间于2003年6月10日届满 B. 王某6月13日的行为引起诉讼时效中断 C. 发包人应承担民事责任 D. 承包人应承担民事责任 [单项选择]下面对于心绞痛患者的用药指导,不妥的是()
A. 坚持服用预防心绞痛发作的药 B. 运动和情绪激动前含服硝酸甘油,预防心绞痛发作 C. 随身携带硝酸甘油片 D. 硝酸甘油应避光保存,放置在固定地点 E. 每2年更换一次药物 [判断题]合【LCU 旁路】前确认控制手柄在制动位,高断合,关闭列车空调及客室照明等负载(关闭负载及断开高断不分先后),然后降弓(合【LCU 旁路】会自动降弓);
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]海产鱼类肝脏中含量丰富的维生素()
A. 维生素B1 B. 维生素C C. 尼克酸 D. 胡萝卜素 E. 维生素A和D 我来回答: 提交