The cellphone, a device we have lived
with for more than a decade, offers a good example of a popular technology’s
unforeseen side effects. More than one billion are (1) use
around the world, and when asked, their (2) say they love
their phones for the safety and convenience (3) provide.
People also report that they are (4) in their use of their
phones. One opinion survey (5) that "98 percent of Americans
say they move away from (6) when talking on a wireless phone
in public" (7) "86 percent say they ’never’ or ’rarely’
speak (8) wireless phones" when conducting (9)
with clerks or bank tellers. Clearly, there exists a (10)
between our reported cellphone behavior and our actual
behavior. Cellphone users that is to say, most of us are (11) instigators and victims of th A. acts B. actions C. operations D. transactions [单选题]508题:对于呼吸、心跳骤停的伤病员现场救护的黄金时间是( )分钟。
A.4 B.15 C.10 [单项选择]()是指混凝土在水饱和状态下能经受多次冻融循环而不破坏,且也不严重降低强度的性能。
A. 抗渗性 B. 抗腐蚀性 C. 抗碳化性 D. 抗冻性 [单项选择]下面关于画釉上时毛笔的清洗表达正确的一项是()。
A. 用少量棉签把釉从毛笔里面挤出来,擦干净 B. 用大量棉签把釉从毛笔里面挤出来,擦干净 C. 用大量卫生纸把釉从毛笔里面挤出来,擦干净 D. 用少量卫生纸把釉从毛笔里面挤出来,擦干净 [单项选择]下面不能在信息框中输出“Visual Basic”的是( )。
A. x=MsgBox("Visual Basi") B. MsgBox("Visual Basic") C. MsgBox"Visual Basic" D. Call MsgBox"Visual Basic" [单项选择]诊断肾盂输尿管重复畸形的首选方法是()
A. USG B. CT C. MRI D. X线平片 E. 尿路造影 [不定项选择题]A.六味地黄丸合桃红四物汤加减
A.八珍汤加减 B.左归丸合当归补血汤 C.左归丸,右归丸合当归补血汤加减 D.清瘟败毒散加减 E.肾阴虚证宜选 [判断题]单位内部会计监督的主体是单位的会计机构、会计人员,但单位负责人对本单位内部会计监督制度的建立及有效实施承担最终责任。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肺血管阻力代表下述哪项( )
A. 右室前负荷 B. 左室前负荷 C. 右室后负荷 D. 左室后负荷 E. 左房前负荷 [多选题]常用的电力电缆主要由(____)组成。
A.导电线芯(多芯) B.绝缘层 C.保护层 D.铠装层 [多选题]警棍格斗正确击打部位()
A.大腿外侧肉厚部位(腓骨活动神经) B.大腿内侧肉厚部位(股骨活动神经) C.小腿后侧肉厚部位(胫骨活动神经) D.小臂肉厚部分(桡骨正中活动神经) 我来回答: 提交