Smoking is a harmful habit and makes
one addicted once they start doing it. The number of teenagers smoking today has increased {{U}} 62 {{/U}}. Their parents do their best to {{U}} 63 {{/U}} them from starting the habit, however, most of them are {{U}} 64 {{/U}}Teenagers experience a feeling of isolation. It is the time that they are {{U}} 65 {{/U}} which role to take in society. Most of them usually have {{U}} 66 {{/U}} crisis at this age and smoking makes them feel better. Once they start smoking, they soon love the feeling of {{U}} 67 {{/U}} it brings them. {{U}} 68 {{/U}} , they continue doing it. {{U}} 69 {{/U}} pressure is also a great factor to this. A teenager would like to {{U}} 70 {{/U}} to a group. Having some people to support you and {{U}} 71 {{/U}} you in any social activity feels great. At this stage, tee A. at B. in C. of D. to [单项选择]在我国,国内信用证为()的跟单信用证。
A. 不可撤销,但可转让 B. 可以撤销,不可转让 C. 可以撤销,可以转让 D. 不可撤销,不可转让 [判断题]工伤职工治疗非工伤引发的疾病,不享受工伤医疗待遇,按照基本医疗保险办法处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][单选] 1961年,中共八届九中全会决定对国民经济实行的方针是()
A.调整、巩固、充实、提高 B.以农业为基础、以工业为主导 C.积极领导、稳步前进 D.力争上游、多快好省 [单选题]民政部门应履行的职责不包括( )
A.完善社区内火灾隐患监督和举报机制 B.将消防安全教育培训工作纳入减灾规划并组织实施,结合救灾、扶贫济困和社会优抚安置、慈善等工作开展消防安全教育 C.指导社区居民委员会、村民委员会和各类福利机构开展消防安全教育培训工作 D.负责消防安全专业培训机构的登记,并实施监督管理 [判断题]机组宣布最低油量是不是表示ATC必须给予优先权
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有抗震要求的带肋钢筋,其最大力总伸长率不应小于( )%。
A.7 B.8 C.9 D.10 [单选题]在额定电压、额定负载下,ZD6系列电动转辙机炭刷与换向器的火花不超过( )(即轻微火花)。
A.1.5级 B.1.6级 C.1.7级 D.1.8级 我来回答: 提交