At least 2.3 million people took some kind of online course in 2004, according to a recent survey by The Sloan Consortium, an online education group, and two-thirds of colleges offering "face-to-face" courses also offer online ones. But what were once two distinct types of classes are looking more and more alike--and often dipping into the same pool of students.
At some schools, online courses--originally intended for nontraditional students living far from campus--have proved surprisingly popular with on-campus students. A recent study by South Dakota’s Board of Regents found 42 percent of the students enrolled in its distance-education courses weren’t so distant: they were located on campus at the university that was hosting the online course.
Numbers vary depending on the policies of particular colleges, but other schools also have students mixing and matching online and "face-to-face" credits. Motives range from lifestyle to acc
A. Colleges may take different policies in online courses.
B. Some schools allow students to mix online and face-to-face credits.
C. Students choose online courses for different purposes.
D. Online courses are much easier to pass than traditional cours
Strengthening IP protection: from legislation to
enforcement Laws are in place to protect intellectual property (IP) rights in the Gulf. But enforcement has generally been weak. However, as governments look at ways to diversify away from oil, IP protection is becoming a bigger concern; not just to protect local knowledge-based industries, but also to attract foreign investment. This senior-level event will present a series of practical recommendations for change, drawing on the expertise of business and political leaders in the Gulf region. IP protection is a global as well as a regional issue, and Gulf-initiatives are be A. A.introduction to a conference B.advertisement C.introduction of IP on a conference [单选题]《局铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》途中有乘降作业的( )必须保证每辆车厢每班配置1名列车员,
A.硬卧车厢 B.硬座车厢 C.软卧车厢 D.动车组 [判断题]检查单边作业性能:右侧水平支腿不伸,把左侧水平支腿全部伸出,所有垂直支腿伸出并受力时,左水平支腿指示灯亮,自动将上车动作限定在左侧的 180°范围内,分别从前后两侧进入右侧区域,应能自动停止;左侧水平支腿不伸,把右侧水平支腿全部伸出,所有垂直支腿伸出并受力时,右水平支腿指示灯亮,自动将上车动作限定在右侧的180°范围内,分别从前后两侧进入左侧区域,应能自动停止。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]局部通风机通风有哪几种形式?
[单选题]下列筹资方式中,属于项目债务资金的筹集方式的是( )。
A.优先股 B.政府投资 C.融资租赁 D.可转换债券 [单选题]公司明确将网络信息安全列为四大安全之一,四大安全包括( )。
A.①②③④ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④ [单项选择]社会技能的训练不包括()
A. 处理问题技能 B. 职业技能 C. 思维技能 D. 人际交往技能 E. 自我定向、情感控制及行为技能 [填空题]自助银行应能实现报警、图像、语音、对讲广播等信息的远程音视频传输的()功能。
[单选题]根据《中国证券登记结算有限责任公司证券账户管理规则》的规定,中国结算公司对证券账户实施统一管理,为投资者开立证券账户的机构有( )。
Ⅰ.中国结算公司上海分公司、深圳分公司 Ⅱ.中国结算公司委托代理证券账户开户业务的证券公司 Ⅲ.证券交易所 Ⅳ.中国结算公司境外B股结算会员 A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ B. Ⅰ、 Ⅱ、 C. Ⅰ、Ⅳ D. Ⅰ、Ⅲ、 Ⅳ [单项选择]《伤寒论》中“少阴病下利清谷,里寒外热,手足厥逆,脉微欲绝,身反不恶寒,其人面色赤……通脉四逆汤主之”,属下列那一种治法
A. 寒者热之 B. 热者寒之 C. 寒因寒用 D. 热因热用 E. 通因通用 我来回答: 提交