When you first drift off into slumber,
your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slightly, your
muscles will relax, and your breathing will become quite regular. Your brain
waves slow down a bit, with the alpha rhythm predominating for the first few
minutes. This is the first stage of sleep. For the next 30 minutes or so, you
will drift down through Stage 2 and Stage 3. The lower your stage of sleep, the
slower your brain waves will be. About 40-60 minutes after you lose
consciousness, you will reach the last stage. Your brain waves will show the
delta rhythm. You may think that you stay at this deep stage all the rest of the
night, but that turns out not to be the case. About 80 minutes after you fall
into slumber, your activity cycle will increase slightly. The delta rhythm will
disappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain A. the body is incapable of movement B. the muscles in the body are relaxed C. voluntary muscles are capable of movement D. the brain shows rapid burst of neural activity [填空题]一/二级母钟上的指示灯TRP代表( )指示灯。
A. 在同一时间有发热、血压低和少尿 B. 少尿期 C. 多尿期 D. 从发热直接到多尿 E. 恢复期 [单选题]电流互感器和电压互感器的二次绕组应有( )永久性的.可靠的保护接地。
A.一点且仅有一点 B.两点 C.多点 D.至少一点 [单项选择]This book will show you( )can be used in other contexts
A. how you have observed B. how what you have observed C. that you have observed D. how that you have observed [单项选择]在话务量理论中,爱尔兰与百秒呼的关系是()。
A. 1爱尔兰=100百秒呼 B. 1爱尔兰=36百秒呼 C. 1爱尔兰=10百秒呼 D. 1爱尔兰=6百秒呼 [单项选择]最早归纳并系统论述“八法”的是()
A. 汉·张仲景《伤寒杂病论》 B. 明·张介宾《景岳全书》 C. 清·汪昂《医方集解》 D. 唐·王焘《外台秘要》 E. 清·程钟龄《医学心悟》 [单项选择]非小细胞肺癌痰中找到癌细胞的阳性率一般为()。
A. 50%~60% B. 60%~70% C. 70%~80% D. 80%~90% E. 100% [单选题] 66kV及以下干式变压器,温控器、风机、可开启门应用( )可靠接地。
A.扁铁 B.扁钢 C.软导线 D.硬导线 [单项选择]男,28岁,室内液化气火焰烧伤6小时,烧伤总面积60%,面颈及双上肢为深Ⅱ度至Ⅲ度烧伤,鼻毛烧焦,声嘶,近1小时来患者出现进行性呼吸困难,目前患者神志不清,心率120次/分,呼吸4~8次/分,呈叹息样,首选治疗方案为下述哪项()。
A. 气管切开 B. 气管插管 C. 鼻饲给氧 D. 静脉切开或静脉穿刺插管 E. 静脉穿刺 我来回答: 提交