B单位向招标人递交的书面说明是否有效 |
Paul Straussmann, retired vice
president of Xerox,, indicates in his book Information Pay-off that" almost half
of the U. S. information workers are in executive, managerial, administrative
and professional positions. " He further states that "managers and professionals
spend more than half of their time in communicating with each other. " In other words ,people are a corporation’s most expensive resource. For a typical office, over 90 percent of the operating budget is for salaries, benefits and over head. With this investment, is it any wonder that managers are focusing more and more attention on employee productivity They realize that the paper jungle cannot be tamed simply by hiring more people. To receive a return on their investment, wise corporate executive officers are realizing what industrialists and agriculturists A. efficient technology is cost-effective B. many meetings in a company are unnecessary C. many positions like that of a typist can be done away with D. it doesn’t cost much to automate the facilities of a company [多选题]拨打紧急救援电话应该讲清楚()( )
A.需要急救地点 B.联系电话 C.行动路线 D.伤害事故性质 E.病人及现场情况等 [单项选择]维生素C注射液中抗氧化剂亚硫酸钠对碘量法有干扰,需要加入的掩蔽剂是
A. 硼酸 B. 草酸 C. 丙酮 D. 酒石酸 E. 硫酸钙 [单项选择]患者,女,26岁。非周期性子宫出血,量多、色紫红、质稠,夹有血块,腹痛拒按,舌红苔黄,脉弦数。治疗除取关元、三阴交、隐白穴外,还应加()
A. 气海 B. 太冲 C. 归来 D. 血海 E. 合谷 [简答题]什么是总辐射?
A.财政部 B.科技部 C.发展改革委 D.以上均要 [单项选择]《合同法》规定的建设工程承包人优先受偿权的价款范围不包含()。
A. 工程材料款 B. 工程人员的报酬 C. 工程管理费用 D. 工程停工费用 [多选题]多选题(本题2分)
(2022年7月真题)商业银行经营的三性原则是指 A.效益性 B.计划性 C.流动性. D.政策性. E.安全性 [单选题]我国企业会计制度规定,企业只能采用( )。
A. 备抵法 B. 直接转销法 C. 成本与可变现净值孰低法 D. 成本法 [判断题]动车组列车只发售二等座车学生票,学生票为全价的50%。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]目前我国铁路货车使用得最多的滚动轴承是()型。
[判断题] 张某因盗窃被某县公安机关决定行政拘留10日,执行行政拘留2日后,张某提出其家有年迈的父亲需照顾申请暂缓执行,拘留所民警李某便决定让其交纳1600元保证金后将其释放。 (1分)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交