甲施工企业到A供应商的材料仓库提货时,仓库保管员由于工作疏忽多发了2t水泥给施工企业,A供应商发现后要求甲施工企业返还;在施工过程中,由于甲施工单位操作失误给邻近乙公司的建筑物造成损害,据有关法律规定,甲公司负有向乙公司赔偿损失的责任;后来,项目施工现场发生火灾,邻近的丙单位主动组织人员灭火,这一行为减少了甲施工单位的损失8万元,丙单位因此损失1万元。 根据场景(五),回答下列问题: |
Wholesale prices in July rose more
sharply than expected and at a faster rate than consumer prices, (1)
that businesses were still protecting consumers (2)
the full brunt(冲击) of higher energy costs. The Producer Price Index, (3) measures what producers receive for goods and services, (4) 1 percent in July, the Labor Department reported yesterday, double (5) economists had been expecting and a sharp turnaround from flat prices in June. Excluding (6) and energy, the core index of producer prices rose 0.4 percent, (7) than the 0.1 percent that economists had (8) . Much of that increase was a result of an (9) increase in car and truck prices. On Tuesday, the Labor Department said the (10) that consumers paid for goods and services in July were (11) 0.5 per A. that B. which C. it D. this [判断题]办理站可以使用轨道衡逐车核查发送集装箱的重量,对超出集装箱总重或限制重量的应减载。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第12.4.2、14.3.1条规定:本次事故直接原因包括( )(多选)
A. 没有核对线路名称和杆塔编号 B. 没有验电 C. 误登带电运行的 杆塔 D. 材料及工器具摆放错误 [多项选择]三角形整理形态包括( )。
A. 对称三角形 B. 等边三角形 C. 上升三角形 D. 下降三角形 [单选题]下列哪种氨基酸不是营养必需氨基酸
A.蛋氨酸 B.苏氨酸 C.亮氨酸 D.丙氨酸 E.缬氨酸 [单选题]接触器有多个触头,动作要保持一致。检修时根据检修标准,接通后各触头相差距离应在()毫米之内。
A.1 B.2 C.0.5 D.3 [单项选择]评标委员会提出书面评标报告后,招标人一般应在( )内确定中标人。
A. 7日 B. 14日 C. 15日 D. 28日 [判断题]依据《中国石化变更安全管理规定》,设备设施的新增、升级换代、改造及拆除,不属于变更管理范围的事项。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为了防止煤气放散管的晃动而导致的煤气泄漏,根部应焊加强筋,上部用挣绳固定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发生火灾的区域为气灭保护房间,视情况采取( )扑救初期火灾
A.邻近的消火栓 B.启动该房间气灭系统气体释放 [填空题]调整尖轨弯折的作业时,要根据作业温度留出一定的( )。
A.A、.肺脾 B.B、.心肾 C.C、.脾肾 D.D、.肺肾 E.E、.肝脾 [单项选择]Mrs. Harris, an elderly patient in a nursing home, sat all day in a chair. She did nothing else. She required complete physical care, even feeding. No one seemed to realize that she was partially deaf and blind. One day, a young doctor observed cataracts in both her eyes. He discovered that if he spoke in her ear, she seemed to respond. One eye was operated on, and when it was first uncovered, the old woman cried with joy. Her recovery was quick, and she soon became quite independent. She started feeding herself and took to smiling and talking with others. The change in her attitude was amazing. Not only did she require less nursing care, but she was also able to help other patients. She was again able to see and with this, seemed to experience some hearing recovery.
Which of the following is true to show that Mrs. Harris was discouraged and depressed A. She was in the nursing home. B. It seems that she was partially deaf and blind. C. She had no interests to participate any activities. D. She was able to help other patients. [单项选择]关于标本的制作叙述不正确的是()
A. 应力求保持抗原的完整性 B. 在染色、洗涤和包埋过程中不发生溶解和变形,也不扩散至邻近细胞或组织间隙中去 C. 标本切片要求尽量厚些 D. 标本中干扰抗原抗体反应的物质要充分洗去 E. 有传染性的标本要注意安全 [单项选择]2005年,国内发明专利申请量比国外发明专利申请量高出()。
A. 5% B. 12% C. 17% D. 47% [单选题]对生产设备、装置危险、有害因素识别时,下列不属于机械设备识别的方面是( )。
A.触电 B.检修作业 C.操作条件 [单选题]( )的臂架是由多节同步伸缩臂组成,工作状态时,由伸缩油缸及链绳机构驱动。(中)
A.曲臂举高消防车 B.直臂举高消防车 C.伸缩臂消防车 D.组合臂举高消防车 我来回答: 提交