"Dimpy," as her friends call her, heard
about the hazards of smoking in health class. "They showed pictures of lungs of
people who smoked. It was gross," says the petite 14-year-old. Yet, as she shops
along the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, Calif. , the ninth grader
points out all the places where she regularly buys cigarettes without hassle.
"All my friends smoke," She shrugs, explaining the habit she developed in the
sixth grade. "Once they pressure you, you start. And it’s kind of hard to stop.
" As the cigarette industry draws increasing fire, teen smokers like Dimpy are becoming the focus of concerned policy makers around the country. Supported by a University of Michigan study showing a dramatic rise in adolescent tobacco use, the White House is considering ways to curb the surge. Among the options: eliminating A. began to smoke when she was eleven B. became the focus of concerned policymakers because she has been smoking for quite a few years C. showed pictures of gross lungs of smokers to her fellow pupils D. forgot the shops where she usually obtained her cigarettes [单选题]353. 所有通过输入订单号及有效身份证件号码取票的,售票员必须核对乘车人有效身份证件姓名、号码与( )的信息内容一致后方可制票。《汇编》
A.客票系统显示 B.订单短信 C.旅客口述 D.制证系统 [单选题]对检查判定为不合格的消防产品,应出具( )。
A.消防产品现场检查判定报告 B.消防产品质量违法通知书 C.消防产品现场检查判定不合格通知书 D.消防产品质量不合格通知书 [单选题]检修人员进行操作的接、发令程序及安全要求应由()审定,并报相关部门和调度控制中心备案。
A.调度控制中心 B.设备运维管理单位 C.安监部门 D.单位主管领导 [填空题]传统园林是()环境和()环境相结合的一种建筑形式。
[单选题]12m拔梢混凝土电杆的重心位置在距电杆根部( )m。
A.5.3 B.6 C.1.9 D.1.7 [单选题].诊断甲状腺功能亢进最灵敏可靠的实验室检查方法为:
A.基础代谢率 B.血清蛋白结合碘 C.测TGAb、TPOAb D.促甲状腺激素和游离T3、游离T4 我来回答: 提交