为明确诊断应立即进行的检查项目包括() Wilmut maintains that cloning animals
has tremendous potential for helping people. Cloned Sheep, he says, could be
used as living drug factories. Scientists could "engineer" sheep that produce
drugs in their milk. And by altering the proteins on the surfaces of animal
organs to make them more like human organs, scientists believe they may be able
to create a plentiful source of organ donors for people. Why not clone humans as organ donors Theoretically, Wilmut says, there is no reason his techniques couldn’t someday be used to clone people. Think about the possibilities: a whole basketball team of Michael Jordans, a scientific panel of Albert Einsteins, a movie starring and co-starring Brad Pitts. On a more serious note, some experts argue that couples who have difficulty having a baby could make copies of themselves. And p A. humans are no less the sum of their genes than the animals B. genes cannot alone determine the life of human beings C. humans are nothing but the sum of their genes D. genes are the foundation of human lives [单选题]根据国务院《特种设备安全监察条例》,从事施工起重机械定期检验、监督检验的检验检测机构,应当由( )核准。
A.县级以上人民政府 B.省级政府特种设备安全监督部门 C.国务院 D.国务院特种设备安全监督部门 [判断题]初次发生的交易或事项采用新的会计政策属于会计政策变更,应采用追溯调整法进行处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]安全技术说明书中,同类物、同系物的技术说明书可以相互替代。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]公共产品的特征不包括( )。
A. 效用的不可分割性 B. 提供目的的盈利性 C. 受益的非排他性 D. 取得方式的非竞争性 [判断题]( )《铁路局超偏载集中监控统计报表》信息来源主要由铁路货车安全防范系统等提供,信息系统生成。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]中性区域是指顾客容易看到但并非必须经过的区域
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]钢筋( )多用于短段粗钢筋的对接。
A.弧焊机 B.对焊机 C.点焊机 D.气焊机 [单选题]本线来车下道距离v≤60km/h时,不小于( )m。
A.500 B.800 C.1400 D.2000 我来回答: 提交