WASHINGTON -- considering the serious
warnings lately about Internet viruses (病毒), users may don’t use their machines
just to keep them safe. In reality, common sense and a few basic tips can keep
Internet surfers secure. Anti-vires software is a must, and it should be updated at least once a week to recognize newly viruses. If this is not done, you will meet great troubles. People with broadband Internet connections should have also a firewall, These protect the computer from attacks by hackers (黑客). Then it is time to think about computer habits. Unlike old viruses, which spread only through shared disks, the Internet brings viruses straight to the e-mail box. If an e-mail with attachment (附件) comes from an unknown sender, or unexpectedly from a known sender, it should not be opened. On receiving an unexpected att A. Don’t rush to open any e-mail attachment. B. Never open any e-mail attachment. C. It’s always safe to open an e-mail attachment from a friend. D. Whenever you receive an e-mail, you should make a call to make sure whom it comes from. [单项选择]2010 年1 月11 日,国家科学技术奖励大会在北京隆重举行。中国科学院院士、知名数学家谷超豪和中国科学院院院士、“两弹一星”元勋、资深航天专家孙家栋荣获2009 年度( )。
A. 国家科学技术进步奖特等奖 B. 国家自然科学奖 C. 国家科学技术进步奖一 D. 国家最高科学技术奖 [单选题]使用中的氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶应垂直放置并固定起来,氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶的距离不得小于( )。
A.10m B.8m C.6m D.5m [单项选择]In Para. 4 the author cites "Neutron Jacks" or "Chainsaw Als" to mean______.
A. workers who like pay rises and holidays B. workers who enjoy working without pay C. people who resembles business heroes in America D. Japanese workers who devote themselves in working for a business [单项选择]建筑内污水抽升设备常采用()。
A. 离心泵 B. 气压扬液器 C. 手摇泵和射流 D. 密闭污水提升装置 [单项选择]在下列防蜡剂中,()是高分子聚合物防蜡剂
A. 聚丙烯 B. 平平加A-20 C. 磺化油 D. OP-10 [单项选择]一般来说,个人或家庭之间进行现金规划的动机不包括( )。
A. 交易动机 B. 谨慎动机 C. 预防动机 D. 投机动机 [多选题]交易性金融资产的核算范围包括()。
A.以长期持有为目的购入的股票 B.以赚取价差为目的购入的基金 C.以赚取价差为目的购入的债券 D.以赚取价差为目的购入的股票 E.以持有至到期为目的购入的债券 [单选题]在关闭多级账簿功能时,正常关闭______生效。
A.实时 B.日终 C.T+3 D.T+5 [单项选择]拆下(),向水箱加入事先配好的磷酸三钠溶液,启动发动机,运转十几分钟后停机,经过一晚上后放掉冷却液;如此重复几次水垢即可消除。最后用清水冲洗两次。
A. 冷却水泵 B. 节温器 C. 风扇 D. 副水箱 [单选题]串联电路具有以下特点( )。
A. 各电阻上消耗的功率之和等于电路所消耗的总功率 B.各电阻上分配的电压与各自电阻的阻值成正比。 C.串联电路中各电阻两端电压相等 D. 流过每一个电阻的电流不相等 我来回答: 提交