People do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a similar problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without thinking; they try to find a solution by trial and error. However, when all these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing. There are six stages in analyzing a problem.
First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot read it to class as he usually does. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle.
Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific.
Now the person must look for information that will make the problem clearer and lead t
A. People do not analyze the problem they meet.
B. People often accept the opinions or ideas of other people.
C. people may learn from their past experience.
D. People can not solve some problems they meet.
The making of classifications by
literary historians can be a somewhat risky enterprise. When Black poets are
discussed separately as a group, for instance, the extent to which their work
reflects the development of poetry in general should not be forgotten, or a
distortion of literary history may result. This caution is particularly relevant
in an assessment of the differences between Black poets at the turn of the
century (1900—1909) and those of the generation of the 1920’s. These differences
include the bolder and more forthright speech of the later generation and its
technical inventiveness. It should be remembered, though, that comparable
differences also existed for similar generations of White poets. When poets of the 1910’s and 1920’s are considered together, however, the distinctions that literary historians might m A. present an interpretation of some Black poets that contradicts the author’s own assertion about their acceptance of various poetic styles B. introduce a distinction between Black poets who used dialect and White poets who did not C. disprove James Weldon Johnson’s claim that race is what "the Negro poet knows best" D. suggest what were the effects of some Black poets’ decision not to write only about racial subjects [单选题]对人类免疫缺陷病毒描述不正确的是
A.对紫外线敏感 B.外有类脂包膜 C.不耐酸而较耐碱 D.对物理因素的抵抗力不强 E.RNA病毒 [单选题]井下机电设备硐室内各种设备与墙壁之间应留出( )m以上的通道。
A..0.3 B..0.4 C.0.5 [单选题]原配属关系不变,根据总公司、铁路局命令由他局、段派至本局、段入住及临时加入支配( 长交路轮乘 )的机车是( )。
A..配属机车 B..非配属机车 C..支配机车 [多选题]到19世纪90年代.洋务派建成的新式海军有( )
A.福建水师 B.广东水师 C.南洋水师 D.北洋水师 [判断题]1981年4月,中国第一艘战略核潜艇下水,并于1982年正式服役。
A. 烧伤合并休克 B. 烧伤合并喉头水肿 C. 烧伤合并ARDS D. 烧伤合并吸入性损伤 E. 烧伤合并有毒气体中毒 [单选题]高速铁路有砟轨道,大型养路机械作业,为保证捣固作业质量,对薄弱处所应增加捣固次数或采用( )插镐捣固。
A.两次 B.一次 C.三次 D.四次 [单项选择]各国军舰在公海上可命令从事海盗行为的嫌疑船停船而对其进行()。
A. 登临检查 B. 武力攻击 C. 紧追 D. 诉讼 [单项选择]县级以上地方各级人民政府应当组织有关部门制定本行政区域内特大生产安全事故(),建立应急救援体系。
A. 应急救援措施 B. 应急救援系统 C. 应急救援预案 D. 应急救援制度 [单选题]关节结节的功能面是
A.前斜面 B.后斜面 C.外侧斜面 D.内侧斜面 E.其它选项都是 [单选题]《建规》规定,位于2个安全出口之间的办公室,且建筑面积小于等于()㎡,且疏散门的宽度满足要求,可设一个门。
A. 50 B. 60 C. 100 D. 120 [判断题]《集贸市场消防安全管理办法》中所称的集贸市场,是指在工商行政管理机关办理市场登记的,具有一定规模的农副产品、日用工业品市场和综合市场。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]运维分析分为综合分析和专题分析,主要是针对设备运行、操作和异常情况及运维人员规章制度执行情况进行分析,找出薄弱环节,制订防范措施,提高运维工作质量和运维管理水平。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]. 如果飞行指引计算机失效,PFD上会出现( )。
A.F.D指令杆消失 B.F.D指令杆消失,同时红色FD警告旗出现 C.F.D指令杆停在原处 D.F.D指令杆停在原处,同时红色FD警告旗出现 我来回答: 提交