Years of watching and comparing bright
children and those not bright, or less bright, have shown that they are very
different kinds of people. The bright child is curious about life and reality,
eager to get in touch with it, embrace it, unite himself with it. There is no
wall, no barrier between him and life. The dull child is far less curious, far
less interested in what goes on and what is real, more inclined to live in
worlds of fantasy. The bright child likes to experiment, to try things out. He
lives by the maxim that there is more than one way to skin a cat. If he can’t do
something one way, he’ll try another. The dull child is usually afraid to try at
all. It takes a good deal of urging to get him to try even once; if that try
fails, he is through. The bright child is patient. He can tolerate uncertainty and failure, A. they enjoy reading a difficult book and understanding it bit by bit B. they think the book is well-written and worth reading C. they want to show off their ability to their teachers D. they are fond of taking risks and trying everything by themselves [单选题]试验标准中所列的绝缘电阻系指60秒的绝缘电阻值(R60),吸收比为60秒与()秒绝缘电阻的比值(R60/R15)。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [单项选择]变极调速只适用于()异步电动机。
A. 高速 B. 绕线式 C. 鼠笼式 D. B或C [单项选择]从1985年至2004年,全国的地方法院共受理各类一审民事知识产权案件()件.
A. 49000 B. 59000 C. 69636 D. 79523 [单项选择]小承气汤可治()
A. 热利下重者 B. 下利谵语者 C. 五六日自利而渴者 D. 腹痛,小便不利,下利不止,便脓血者 E. 下利清谷,里寒外热,汗出而厥者 [单选题]劳动人民取得政权以后首先需要
A.进行阶级斗争 B.实行按劳分配 C.建立社会主义公有制 D.尽快过渡到共产主义社会 [判断题]社会保障范围的大小取决于各国建立的社会保障原则
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用户想要退订沃家应用包月业务,可以在客户端()中查看并操作。
A.推荐 B.订购管理 C.解约管理 D.通知管理 [简答题]简述国民经济比例关系对国民经济发展的影响?
[单选题]立即脱去或剪去污染的工作服、鞋袜,迅速用大量流动清水冲洗创面,至少冲洗( )分钟。
A.5至10 B.5至20 C.10至20 D.15至20 [填空题]The earthquake-stricken area received ______ help from its neighboring provinces. (time)
[单选题] 下面( )属于顺磁材料。
A. 水 B. 铜 C. 空气 [不定项选择题]患者,男,45岁,单侧耳朵突然耳聋听力急剧下降,伴有耳鸣,口苦,咽干,面红目赤,尿黄便秘,心烦失眠,胸胁胀痛,头痛眩晕,舌红苔黄,脉弦数有力,经中医诊断,予服用耳聋丸。
A.肝胆湿热所致的头晕头痛、耳聋耳鸣、耳内流脓 B.肝经热盛所致的耳鸣耳聋,听力下降、耳底肿痛 C.肝经热毒炽盛所致的耳鸣耳聋、听力下降、耳内生疮 D.肝肾阴虚所致的耳聋耳鸣,头晕目眩 E.肝经湿寒所致的头晕头痛、耳聋耳鸣、耳内流脓 [判断题]11、用餐期间,合理安排人员离岗就餐,每次不超过30分钟;喝水、上洗手间等每次离岗时间不超过15分钟,其余时间应在收费广场(关闭的车道收费亭内或收费站特定的位置)备勤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交