The mental health movement in the
United States began with a period of considerable enlightenment. Dorothea Dix
was shocked to find the mentally ill in jails and almshouses and crusaded for
the establishment of asylums in which people could receive human care in
hospital-like environments and treatment which might help restore them to
sanity. By the mid 1800s, 20 states had established asylums, but during the late
1800s and early 1900s, in the face of economic depression, legislatures were
unable to appropriate sufficient funds for decent care. Asylums became
overcrowded and prison-like. Additionally, patients were more resistant to
treatment than the pioneers in the mental health field had anticipated, and
security and restraint were needed to protect .patients and others. Mental
institutions became frightening and depressing places in which the rights of
A. states would never have established asylums for the mentally ill B. new treatments for major mental illness would have likely remained untested C. the Civil Rights movement in America would have been politically ineffective D. conditions in mental hospitals might have escaped judicial scrutiny [单项选择]垄断是完全竞争的反面,而要实现这一目标,三大要素不可缺少:a、只有一家企业生产和销售一种商品;b、这种商品无相近替代物;c、其他企业进入该行业困难,或者根本不可能进入。a条件无疑是前提,否定它的存在,就可能出现竞争;我们之所以强调垄断下的商品无相近替代物,是因为商品的替代物大多数情况下是存在的,一种合适、有效的替代物将大大降低原物的利润,从而迫使其放弃垄断价格,但替代物的概念是模糊的,能否防止垄断要根据实际来看:我们可以说蜡烛是电灯的替代物,但显然电灯的生产厂商若要垄断的话,蜡烛生产者无力阻止,因为这种替代物的替代效果很差;非常高的入行壁垒也是很重要的,这是保证高额垄断利润的必需,否则,当他人能够轻易进入此行业时,必然动摇垄断者的地位——从这个角度讲,某条街道上惟一的一家自行车修理铺并不能成为垄断者,因为人行的难度过低,如果他修理费很高,马上会有人开第二家,垄断因而失败。 对这段话理解错误的是:( )
A. 垄断的反面是完全竞争,而要形成完全竞争,必须至少要有两家以上企业生产和销售同种商品或可有效替代的商品 B. 垄断商品的替代物必须尽可能有效,虽然替代物的概念比较模糊,但如果根据实际情况分析也能判断出来 C. 入行壁垒的坚固是保持有效垄断的必需,当技术发展;原先的壁垒降低时,企业的垄断地位可能将受到挑战 D. 动摇垄断者的地位,可以由国家采取强制措施,将该企业强行分为两个以上企业,也可以通过提高技术或发展科学来降低壁垒或找到替代物等 [多选题]隔离开关红外测温检测范围包括:引线、()、二次回路。
A.线夹 B.触头 C.导电臂(管) D.绝缘子 [单选题]电流互感器的回路编号,一般以十位数字为一组,( )的回路标号可以用411-419。
A.1T B.4T C.11T [多项选择]房地产开发项目策划的特点有( )。
A. 地域性 B. 系统性 C. 创新性 D. 预见性 E. 阶段性 [单选题]“警戒与治安”是事故应急救援预案中的( )。
A.应急策划 B.应急准备 C.应急程序 D.现场恢复 [单选题]李婆婆,78岁,能自己行走,照护人员帮助其如厕不正确的是( )
A. 协助老年人坐稳,手扶于身旁支物 B. 老人排便时注意保暖和保护隐私 C.不可蹲厕所时间过久 D.应从前至后擦净肛门 E.起身速度要快,以免老人跌倒 [单选题]邮局对于( )相当于( )对于网购
A.快递:网店 B.邮政:网银 C.电子邮件:百货商场 D.驿站:网站 我来回答: 提交