The question of whether war is
inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers.
Before considering this question, it will be useful to introduce some
related concepts. Conflict, defined as opposition among social entities directed
against one another, is distinguished from competition, defined as opposition
among social entities independently striving for something which is in
inadequate supply. Competitors may not be aware of one another, while the
parties to a conflict are. Conflict and competition are both categories of
opposition, which has been defined as a process by which social entities
function in the disservice, of one another. Opposition is thus contrasted
with cooperation, the process by which social entities function in the service
of one another. These definitions are necessary because it is i A. Is war inevitable B. Why is there conflict and competition C. Is conflict desirable D. Can competition lead to conflict [单选题]过渡时期总路线的主体是()
A.对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造 B.对农业的社会主义改造 C.对手工业的社会主义改造 D.实现国家的社会主义工业化 [单选题]在温度不变情况下,空气的密度与压力的关系( )
A. 与压力成正比 B. 与压力成反比 C. 与压力无关 [简答题]怎样清洗车外后视镜?
[单选题]我国佛教禅宗祖庭,被誉为“天下第一名刹”的是【 】。
A.白马寺 B.少林寺 C.法门寺 [填空题] On July 16, 1995 a new bookstore opened in the American city of Seattle. No one steps inside to buy anything. Yet the store, if you could call it that, had (36)________ last year of 7,000 million dollars.
Ten years ago, few people bought things over the Internet and they thought it was (37)________, but Amazon-dot-com changed many people’’s minds.
Ten years later, an estimated seven out of ten American (38)________have used a computer to buy something. Market researchers at comScore Networks estimate online (39)________ last year at 117,000 million dollars. That was for goods and travel services.
The person who started Amazon, Jeffrey Bezos, remains its leader. In the 1990s he urged (40)________to help Amazon "get big fast. " Yet Amazon invested in many similar businesses that (41)________.
Amazon lost plenty of money and did not make a profit until 2003. Its most recent profit and (42)________report, released last week, was better than many market watchers had
[单项选择]Which of the following is relational opposites
A. Single vs married. B. Hot vs cold. C. Ahve vs dead. D. Husband vs wife. [单选题]电容器具有阻止交流电通过的能力( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What are those representatives discussing about
A. How to protect refugees effectively. B. How to protect national borders from illegal migrants. C. How to reconcile proper and effective protection for refugees with measures to control illegal migration. D. All of the above. [单选题]水带应当以( )的方式放置在水带架上。
A.卷状 B.竖放 C.卷状竖放 D.平放 [多选题]受电弓升弓包含以下哪几种情况。( )
A.有气无电状况下升弓 B.无气有电状况下升弓 C.无气无电状况下升弓 D.有气有电状况下升弓 [判断题]牵引风机只对牵引电机进行冷却。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]CR400AF动车组油冷却器清理的作业程序包括()。
A.吸尘器吸除灰尘 B.高压风吹扫 C.高压水清洗 D.吹风机清洗 [单项选择]法扬司法中应用的指示剂其性质属于()。
A. 配位 B. 沉淀 C. 酸碱 D. 吸附 [判断题]反映供电质量的主要指标有频率、电压和供电可靠性。
A.电晕 B.放电 C.闪络 D.接头有无过热 [多选题] 常规配置1000元。其中小面额备用金至少应保证100元()各面额均需配置。
A. 5元 B.1元 C.5角 D.1角 E.10元" [简答题]什么是直吹式制粉系统?
[单选题]采掘工作面条件差,煤电钻电缆经常被砸坏而造成电器短路或漏电,引起人身触电电缆着火,或引爆瓦斯煤尘,因此,必须使用( )装置。
A.漏电保护 B.综合保护 C.短路保护 [单项选择]La revue que je _____ lundi dernier est très intéressante.
A. emprunte B. ai empruntée C. ai emprunté D. avais empruntée [单选题]行车组织规则规定,关于救援作业下列叙述错误的是( )。
A.电客车在区间故障时,如需救援,原则上视为该区间已封锁。 B.工程车在区间故障时,如需救援,行调需发布封锁命令。 C.向封锁线路发出救援列车时,不办理行车闭塞手续。 D.救援列车运行至距故障列车 10 米处停车,听候故障列车司机的指挥连挂。 [单项选择]患者男性,25岁。因“孤僻,少语,行为怪异5月余”就诊。体格检查无异常。精神状况检查:患者意识清,接触被动,对问话回答不中肯,说话句与句之间缺乏联系。患者在病房中不时的见人鞠躬,使人不能理解其涵义。此患者最可能是哪种精神障碍?()
A. 精神分裂症 B. 抑郁症 C. 焦虑症 D. 躁狂症 E. 强迫症 [多选题]进入发电机(电动机)内部工作的人员及其所携带的( )等应登记,工作结束时要清点,不可遗漏。
A.A.安全帽 B.B.工作服 C.C.工具 D.D.材料 E.略 F.略 [判断题]党的地方各级代表大会代表的名额和选举办法,由同级党的委员会决定,并报上一级党的委员会批准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交