American hopes that pressure from the
US will force Japan to suddenly dismantle its trade barriers are almost certain
to evaporate in disappointment. The fact is that Washington faces an obstacle
far more formidable than a few power brokers in Tokyo’s government offices. It’s
not in line with the centuries-old, deep-ingrained Japanese customs. To move the
Japanese government, Washington government must move an entire nation. So far
the US has had only limited success despite congressional threats to retaliate.
In an April 9 nationwide broadcast, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone urged the
Japanese to buy more imported goods and unveiled a long-awaited three-year plan
to ease import restrictions. But this program was far short of what Washington
hoped to see. White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan said the Japanese offered
"few new A. offer no relief for all of the American products in the near future B. probably fall far short of the US businessman’s expectation C. allow American goods to enter the Japanese trade markets quickly D. succeed considerably in breaking down the Japanese trade barriers [单选题]【远航学校】以下关于塔吊接地线的要求不正确的是( )。
A.接地电阻不小于6欧姆 B.当使用钢材作塔吊接地线时,截面积≥150mm2 C.当使用铜芯线时,截面积≥10mm2 D.用焊接法连接 [简答题]丁玲的哪部农村题材长篇小说荣获斯大林文学奖?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在其它条件一定的条件下,随相对压下量增加,接触弧长减小,单位压力也相应减小。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]申请一般出口卖方信贷的项目商务合同金额应不低于()。
A. 100万美元 B. 200万美元 C. 400万美元 D. 1000万美元 [多选题]公文有一种结尾方式称为文种式,如()。
A.特此报告 B.特此通知 C.特此致函 D.特此决议 我来回答: 提交